“Natural Beauty” Photo Series by Ben Hopper

London-based photographer, filmmaker, and artist Ben Hopper has caused quite a stir with his project, titled “Natural Beauty”. Challenging female beauty standards, the photo series aims to find out why women with body hair are labeled as unattractive. What’s your opinion on this issue? Leave a comment below!

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

Hairy armpits: beautiful or ugly?

If you enjoyed this gallery, you may also like other strange photo projects such as Seniors Wearing Vegetation, Back Faces Body Art, and Awkward Self Portraits.

65 thoughts on ““Natural Beauty” Photo Series by Ben Hopper”

  1. I mean if you trim it so it doesn’t look like a nest of daddy long legs I’m all for it, men or women. Looks sexy to me.

  2. So women who shave their pits are unnatural but women with tattoos are naturally beautiful?

  3. Beauty is subjective, a healthy Theory of Mind (ToM), not so much. So to ask “Where’s the ‘beauty’ part?” says a lot more about you than anything.

  4. I don’t shave my legs, or my armpits, so i really don’t think i have the right to tell women to do so.

  5. Slightly bias to the fact that all these women with hair are also just gorgeous to the eye haha

  6. I say more power to them. They are healthy beautiful women, and if they don’t want to shave I have no problem with it. I find a natural look more appealing anyway.

  7. I wish I’d seen more body types represented here. Considering the project’s possible motive to challenge what society deems beautiful I think a real opportunity was missed here. Shout out to all the naturally beautiful big women out there- I see you and you’re killin’ it.

  8. NONE of these women give a flying **** whether we think they’re ‘beautiful’ or not – and more power to them for that!

  9. Shaving sucks. So does tanning, dieting, styling hair, putting on make-up, and dealing with stupid people… who somehow think my body choices ought to be about what they want. To the “normal” person in this society who objects, I say: “Get over yourself and move on with your life. Worry about your own body and I’ll do what I like with mine.”

  10. These women are free to discontinue shaving if they want, and I have no business telling them what they should or shouldn’t do to their bodies. But, at the same time, no one should be able to tell me that I am wrong if I find it gross.

  11. No need to “give these women some food.” They are a healthy body weight and no doubt have control over their diet and activity level. It’s so bizarre how fat and obese is normalized and healthy people are body shamed.

  12. Good project. Why should I care what women promote with their body, unless it’s super unhealthy. Not every woman exists just for my taste.

  13. I bet every single one is a lesbian.

    Hetero women know most guys don’t like it so yeah….

  14. Natural but not beautiful. Is male armpit hair beautiful? Nope. They should shave their armpits, too. I didn’t think this until I had exposure to European men from certain European countries where it’s quite normal for a man to shave his armpits. From then on, I prefer men shave, too.

  15. Cool idea…shame they were so predictable..where’s the other size types?
    Where’s the hairy legs??

  16. When I was a Teenager in Germany in the 80s, nobody shaved her/ his armpits. Nobody even thought about it. It’s just a fashion style which will disappear some day, like all the others.

  17. The hair is totally natural. Tats and piercings are not. I like the ones without them.

  18. Beautiful natural women. Anyone who has an issue with female body hair has a problem with women full stop.

  19. It’s an eye of the beholder, point of view
    No one can’t judge whether It’s beautiful or disgusting

  20. Thanks for that and I agree with you one hundred percent. just not every man likes when a woman looks like a child.

  21. I don’t know for sure what it is but I think women are the most beautiful when they present themselves as nature intended. Also especially when their confidence level in them comes to the forefront and says I like myself.

  22. Yea maybe beauty’s subjective just like personality types are variable too, but i’m sure we’re repulsed if someone walks past and we catch stench of BO or say if a decent lady raises their arm and you see a lock off hair underneath…that’s beyond gender politics.

  23. I’d guess most of these women are gay… but I don’t get the whole surprise that you can grow body hair!

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