Man Creates Extremely Weird Self Portraits, Calls It Art

There’s art, there’s strange art, and then there’s New Yorker David Henry. He creates extremely weird, borderline-insane self portraits, covering himself with seemingly random items. We are a bit confused, is this art or not? Please let us know your opinion in comments!

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

Is... is this art?

28 thoughts on “Man Creates Extremely Weird Self Portraits, Calls It Art”

  1. Not art. He knows it’s not art. But he knows he gets $$ for clicks, so the weirder, the more lucrative. He’s nothing more than an indicator of our stupid social media era.

  2. @name:

    Art should provoke an emotion, either you love it or hate it. The worst sin for art is to just be passed by without a reaction. Since you hated it, it has provoked an emotion (a strong one at that) therefore it’s art.

    BTW: I hate it too, but it’s still art.

  3. These are visual pop songs–short, catchy, and disposable. Give the guy credit for his playfulness and guts to put his own weird vision out there.

  4. “Provoking a reaction” is not art. I could whizz on your leg and provoke a reaction. That’s not art. If we continue to set the bar so low, that’s how we get bananas duct-taped to walls rather than the Pieta.

  5. It will be considered “art” to some.

    Not to me.

    Perhaps he should have considered the reply of “You should go into accounting” from the folks at “Draw Skippy”.

  6. I love it, it’s certainly something new. The artist is getting reactions both good and bad, which means it’s working. Torn between the one with the gator and the one with purple cabbage.

  7. It certainly is art. You might love it, you might hate it, but it is art. What else are you going to call it? Christmas decorations?

  8. Funniest post in a while. Finally, a good use for Spam, white bread, and Barbies. The third one looks like psilocybin mushrooms, yum!

  9. Outrageously creative and imaginative!!! Art is what you see in your mind as something interesting and something to get more curious about and find ways to express that. So it is something that someone else may resonate with and find interesting and funny and very creative or it may offend someone else who has more rigid ideas of what art should be like. Either way, it is mainly for the satisfaction of the one who creates it, not those who get to see it. Art is an offering made to us, the audience to enjoy or move along from and find something else that captures our attention instead of trying to blast the artist for merely expressing views on what is art to him/her/they.

  10. As disgusting as these are i have to admire the amount of effort that went into these photos, he literally lit his costume on fire!!!

  11. i think we should all give this guy a round of applause for putting himself out there, and facing the harsh criticism of certain ássholes (ahem… @name… ahem)

  12. I’m convinced there’s some malfunction his brain involved, in the part that creates the self-image or recognizes faces or somesuch. Looking into the mirror seems to have been a horror at some point in his life. It’s entertaining. It’s more creative than some official art I saw but I don’t want to look at it again.

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