The creators of Facebook page @YourChildhoodRuined alter vintage children’s books through the magic of Photoshop, adding the text in order to give the stories a different meaning with a comedic effect. Something that drives their passion for this unique art form is people’s disapproving comments, although overall their work is well received. Scroll down to see the best examples and don’t forget to leave a comment about how offended you feel and how poor taste this is!
These were hilarious!
Love’m all.
You left out one “Curious George and the meat grinder!”
Hilarious!! 😂🤣
OMG I am laughing with tears streaming! Hilarious!
clever…but please: stabbings are not comic material really, too tragic. The same with depression. This is not about political correctness, please show some consideration for people whose lives have been damaged. Thank you
* Hung Over
Well sheesh Nigel W, no thought about the outsourced children?! Oh Nigel, how COULD you?
These are sad and funny at the same time
Omg ! I just found you and my friend and I laughed our asses off pAaleeessse
More more more 😂🤣😂🤣😂
Uh, Nigel? Are things okay at home? Do you need to talk about it?
Having said that, there is a thing called “gallows humor.” Sometimes the only way to deal with absolutely horrible things is to find the humor in the situation.
Absolutely brilliant!! Add “Biden’s chances of Re-Election with a picture of the Titanic.
I’d just like to say how offended I feel and how poor taste this is.
Love the gallows humor comment.
Everyone chill out, i have depression and personally if I don’t laugh I’ll cry so let me laugh please!!!
Morons I’m surrounded by a bunch of morons that can’t take a joke!
Excuse my ignorance, but is this just the cover art that has been changed or the words in the books as well?
If you don’t find this amusing go to another site…there are literally billions to chose from
Funny as heck!!
This shit is hilarious!!! The comments too! Nigel, tell me some more overly sensitive shit! They should make that into a book cover! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
This is absolutely brilliant- more please
If I could buy these books locally – I’d run as fast as I could with scissors in BOTH hands !! BTW , Nigel usually spends his free time as a heckler at the local Comedy Club !!🤣😝
Absolutely outrageous.
Love this suff
Please make one for the churkendoose
Dear Nigel, in all seriousness, I have been suffering from crippling depression for a decade and I say bring on the jokes.
There’s a difference between laughing about a particular person’s depression and laughing about depression as a concept. The first is nearly always mean, the second not so.
(Thank you, nonetheless, for wanting to speaking up for those of us who you believe would be hurt by such jokes.)
I’d just like to say how offended I feel and how poor taste this is.
Honestly, I laughed very very hard.
Sheesh Nigel, chill off its meant for humor not your sob story.🥱