21 thoughts on “Tasty Doorknobs: Weird Doorknob Licking Trend In Japan”

  1. I am disappointed. At Imgur, the comments would rather be like “what doorknobs? That was the last I noticed on these photos” :D

  2. I have an idea that might just empty the gene pool of these idiots: “The Clorox Chug Challenge”!

  3. The door knob is a euphemism. Much like octopus tentacles. It’s actually clever satire. It’s actually a way around perversion laws in Japan.

  4. Just when you think the humanoid race still has one chance to justify their miserable lives……then this crap happens!!

  5. @Al-nonymous – thanks for the clarification! i couldn’t imagine why all these pretty girls would do this. now i know it’s for clicks.

  6. What? AOC did this and more for a living before she became a politician. What’s the big deal.

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