The Funniest Four-Panel Comics by Work Chronicles (Part 2)

The soul-crushing, dream-deferring, endless coffee-consuming rollercoaster ride known as the corporate grind. It sucks harder than a malfunctioning Roomba in a dust storm. Scroll down to see some of the best comics by @WorkChronicles Instagram account and have laugh through tears!

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

If enjoyed these comics and want to see more, check out Part 1 that we have previously featured on this wonderful site!

6 thoughts on “The Funniest Four-Panel Comics by Work Chronicles (Part 2)”

  1. “…by end of day”…. PRICELESS.

    I retired 4 years ago from AT&T and left ALL this behind. Every single comic… spot on.

  2. If the ancestral apes had known that life would come to this, then they would have stayed in the trees.

  3. Was a QA for Mercury Insurance IT…you should do a cartoon about being laid off via Zoom.

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