The Funniest Four-Panel Comics by Work Chronicles

Ah, the corporate world – the place where dream go to die. A thrilling jungle where suits roam free, jargon is the native tongue, and the coffee is as cold as your boss’s heart. A horrible place where every day is a fresh new nightmare, and yet somehow, millions of us keep coming back for more. All that is perfectly captured in @WorkChronicles Instagram account. Scroll down to see some of the best examples!

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

Comic by Work Chronicles.

8 thoughts on “The Funniest Four-Panel Comics by Work Chronicles”

  1. I am SO glad I am retired! I can relate to all of the above and I don’t miss ANY OF IT!!

  2. I have been retired for 23 years and see that nothing has changed. These were all spot-on and very funny reminders of the past.

  3. I was in the workforce for 50+ years. I had every kind of manager possible. When I totalled all the time I’d had good managers, it came to 3.4 years. I understand that’s pretty normal for North American workplaces.

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