So These Hairy Stockings Actually Exist…

If you want to flaunt some body hair but don’t have enough time to let your natural leg hair do its thing, maybe consider a pair of hairy stockings. Who wouldn’t want to wear a pair of these disturbingly realistic things, right? After all they will give your smooth feminine legs an irresistibly hairy au natural look that will turn heads.

Hairy stockings.

It was actually a challenge to find out where these hairy stockings are sold, but we managed to find them on Cool Mania store. Unfortunately, they are currently out of stock and waiting for a new shipment.

Hairy stockings.

Hairy stockings.

If you don’t want to wait until hairy stockings are available in stores again, we suggest that you check out hairy leggings which serve basically the same purpose, and you can pick up a pair from the design company Contrado or Amazon. Here’s a women who did exactly that and looks quite happy with her purchase:

Hairy leggings.

Hairy leggings.

Hairy leggings.

What’s your take on this? Would you wear these in public? Tell us in comments!

47 thoughts on “So These Hairy Stockings Actually Exist…”

  1. @jayson: you never do silly stuff just for fun? I think it’d be hysterical to do this, if I was a woman.

  2. wouldn’t it be nice if the most natural thing would not turn heads? if the hairless rules would fade and women could just live their lives, fat or thin, hairy or bald, black or white, straight or curly haired, cis or trans or nonbinary, … if women in tv, adds and movies wouldn’t basically all look similar/identical?
    that this stockings/ leggings are seen as hilarious jokes is just as sad as jokes about other marginalised groups.

  3. Those would turn my head only because I actually find it kind of hot. I would probably be disappointed to find out they were only stockings and not the real thing.

  4. Hooray! Fashion should not be so manpleasing. Great for a laugh… And if this is the beginning of smashing the body waxing industry, great!

  5. Oh the poor males! How will they cope? Females with hairs on anywhere but their heads is so… so…adult!

  6. When I grew out my leg hair, some one once told me it was so unnatural! Body hair is indeed natural on human adults of any sex. Don’t buy these stockings, just grow your hair.

  7. Men have no idea what women look like naturally. Hair on their legs, armpits, personal areas, FACE! Women have been shaving/waxing/lazering/bleeching etc for so long now that women are humiliated for looking natural.

  8. A pair of these in the trunk would be an answered prayer for a girl whose car has broken down at night on a back road.

  9. It’s really sad to think that one of the first things that comes to mind is how they might protect a woman from being raped. Yep. That’s the man’s world we live in.

  10. When was the last time a man ever told a woman to shave her legs? Come on ladies, stop blaming men for something you do yourselves!

  11. Actually @Ian, a lot, if not most men in America EXPECT a woman to be shaved. And they will tell her, if not directly, by hints and comments.

  12. I haven’t removed or plucked any body hair in 6 years. Rock my hairy leg in shorts and skirts and my pit hair in vets all the time. I find its a great way of weeding out idiots.

  13. I have had beautiful hairy legs (not as hairy as those stockings) my hold life. Every now and than I might shave think and that’s in the summer. I always shave my underarms and sometimes my private area. I hear that something med think that hairy legs are sexy.

  14. I prefer nature hair but if someone is thinking of letting their hair grow on there legs it differently a good training wheels or simply just gag gift thing yes

  15. I think the stockings are meant as either a joke or starving for attention. Leaving the brows and private areas neatly trimmed is sexy…Just an opinion…

  16. My daughter has a one piece swimsuit like this! She knows I hate it! I’m buying these for myself to wear just to pay her back!

  17. The leggings are fine. But these comments – AARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!
    Women should be waxed or lasered from upper lips to the tips of their toes. Not a hair below the eyelashes!

  18. not one comment about men shaving their face to fit in with the social norm. but then no man would wear a fake beard, would he?

  19. I agree that women shouldn’t have any hair below the eye lashes… it’s a pain but I think it’s sexy!!!!

  20. The purpose of these is to prevent women from being raped. However, it is men who do this so it would make more sense to design a piece of clothing for them that would prevent rape.

  21. Why are they just marked for man hating woman? Smooth guys would be a great market too & probably even better. They could perfect this product more & even make ones for forearms ass well. I think mono brows are sexy as, make one for me please. Yes definitely, stick on mono brows would be hot !.. I’m not joking

  22. Fact: back in the 80s, business women started wearing tennis shoes when walking anywhere and just wore high heels in the office (this was a new concept back then). Harrassment reports decreased.

  23. this seems like a good idea for a prank
    Daughter: MUM I GREW HAIR
    Mum: where sweetie?
    MUm: *sees daughters legs and faints

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