Donald Trump Piñatas Are Gaining Popularity

Few years ago Donald Trump piñatas began appearing in the windows of Mexican candy shops. Now they have taken over Amazon and are becoming wildly popular in Central and North America. Scroll down to see some of the funniest examples!

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

Donald Trump piñata. Funny or not? What do you think?

If you enjoyed this gallery and are not a big fan of Trump, you will also like Trump With Really Long Tie, Frog Chin Donald, and The Funniest Tweets About Trump.

21 thoughts on “Donald Trump Piñatas Are Gaining Popularity”

  1. I think the tea party did some similar things with Obama figures. As long as there is no noose around the neck, it’s all just good fun…. of course, I guess hitting him with a bat is not exactly peaceful, but hey, having free speech is always a good thing.

  2. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAAA! Mueller Report was a BIG FAT DUD and all you got is Trump piñatas! LOL!!

    Watching you dolts whine over Trump is like watching you melt down on election night. Your tears are sweet, sweet nectar.


  3. Haha. Jokes on you. America was already great.
    GOP claimed Obamacare was the worst bill in history, but they are so incompetent, they can’t even make an improvement.
    Enjoy your swamp king and deficits.

  4. They are asll poor imitations and/or fakes.
    Know how I know? The ties are too short.

  5. The ruling class wants the rest of us divided and fighting with each other. Let’s focus on the real enemy.

  6. They all are cool. They should have Pence, Melania, Donny jr, Sarah, and the rest of his evil family and administration!

  7. Did you notice the women with the Stars and Stripes scarf – she is grabbing him by the balls!

  8. Trump: Going down in history as the first president to put American citizens first when it comes to our protection, jobs, security and safety….and all the people who hate him for it.

  9. I want a Bernie Sanders pinata always wanted to beat the stuffing out of a whinly liberal Kike.

  10. I like trump, he is good for business, in Australia that is, he keeps the American dollar down and in a slight recession, so vote for him again ;)


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