People Are Making Trump Photos With Extremely Long Tie To Annoy The President

Poor Donald once again meets his mortal enemy: Adobe Photoshop …and @TrumpsTies Twitter account who is willing to put it to a good use.

The longer the tie, the better the president.

Donald Trump with an extremely long tie.

Donald Trump with an extremely long tie.

Donald Trump with an extremely long tie.

Donald Trump with an extremely long tie.

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Trump in a meeting.

Trump posing with pals in his favorite red tie.

Trump greeting Putin while wearing his favorite tie.

Check out Trump's new tie!

If you enjoyed this gallery, and are not a Trump supporter, you will also like Trump’s Frog Chin, Tiny Trump, and Funniest Anti-Trump Protest Signs.

333 thoughts on “People Are Making Trump Photos With Extremely Long Tie To Annoy The President”

  1. Democrats are just pissed cause they suck and trump is in the White House. Funny pics but screw the Democrats hahahaha

  2. That USA leader man should have a cameo on Family Ties with Alex P. Keaton. That would be so funny.

  3. I cannot wait until he leaves this country, and go and live with his Bitch Putin. By the way, take ALL YOU LOW DOWN racist ignorant ass white people with you to Russia!!!!!!!

  4. Look up Son of Destruction…in the Bible…it is him….He can’t stop lying…his soul was sold a long time ago…you all who he really is…if you can’t say it,… you have been “taken” too….

  5. This is great. Trump is the greatest president ever by far so the super lengthy tie suits him. He has my vote, and anyone he indources after he’s finished being president I’ll probably vote for too.

  6. Very funny and creative. Nice to be distracted for a second from the extremely long ties he has to big oil, the NRA, etc.

  7. He has been punked by Putin. Putin is chewing him like bubble gum, and will spit him out down the road. I predicted this, “GOD” help us, I love my country!

  8. The socialist/democrats in this thread too funny.
    1.They ignore the deficit left by Hussein.
    2. The “shovel ready jobs”, that were not shovel ready.
    3. GDP never reached higher than 2%, POST revision, since there is ALWAYS a revision to follow the initial report.
    4. Paris accord, that did NOT hold anyone but the U.S. financially responsible, while ignoring; China, Taipei, Thailand, Singapore and Saudi Arabia.
    5. “Keep your doctor, keep your plan” was a COMPLETE LIE.
    6. Benghazi was a purposeful hit on Americans, not a protest over a “propaganda video”.
    8. Ignore the rapist/sex offenders/Bill’s under age sex scandals and wealthy donors like Weinstein who are accused by dozens for bad acts, yet the socialists don’t “believer her” or “stand with her” on those allegations.
    9. President Donald Trump, donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to democrats and current socialist for years. Now, only now, when he is THE PRESIDENT, he is a: ist, ism, obic or something perceived as bad.
    10. The socialist/democrats are the actual racist. They attack PRESIDENT TRUMP’S skin color all the time. “Orange man” jokes for days, without realizing by their own standards that they are acting or speaking in a racist and bigoted manner.
    11. Hussein, definitely takes the cake as the “deporter in chief.” Yet, socialist ignore that fact, just to lay blame on PRESIDENT TRUMP for anything related to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. By the socialist standard, Hussein was the actual racist; who deported more people than anyone before him.
    11. Yes. Those countries are SHIT HOLES. That’s why people are desperate to leave them and come to America.
    12. Nukes and Hurricanes. Never said that. Simply made up by some dumb millennial and ran with by left wing publishers; mostly because their viewers and readers suffer from a form of mental retardation and do not question what they read.

    2020 is coming. Hispanics for TRUMP.

  9. LMFAO…

    Whatch all the socialist retards respond to that truthful thread about Hussein.

    The responses alone, will let you all know the level retardation they suffer from. More over, the fact that simply won’t admit to any of the truths pointed out about Hussein, is why DONALD TRUMP is THE PRESIDENT!

    Here we go.


  10. I’m pretty amazed at how difficult it is for Trump supporters to distinguish the difference between “your” and “you’re”.
    Lol, and what’s an “indources?”

  11. Loved the tie coming out of the zipper! He’s such a ****head. And a liar, rascist, and knows NOTHING of economics. The trade war only restricts trade and costs the consumer more (yes, I’m far more intelligent and educated than Hitler2). Obama = Hitler? Than Trump = Hitler. Same tactics. Too chicken to leave a name!

  12. Putting down Obama and Clinton WILL NEVER make Trump look better by comparison, but you try so hard because you simply cannot find positive things to say about him. Trump is simply not a good man…the constant lying, belittling, nastiness. America needs a true leader, not a conman. He’s ill-suited to the job. Hes an embarrassment. The world is laughing at us. Saddest part? Most of those who like him can’t spell, or even speak our own language well, just like their man Trump. The ignorance is simply astounding.

  13. for goodness sake! Do you think President Donald Trump cares about this! LMFAO! Love Trump! He is the best at trolling you dumb Libs. LOL!

  14. Boo trump this is so funny a little bit boring but um ya im not a trump supporter TRUMP SUCKS an the people who support him you suck too haha

  15. Everyone in this comments section has the mental capacity of a dishwasher. Republican or Democrat, guess what, these are LITERALLY JUST FUNNY PHOTOSHOP PICTURES.

  16. Case study on Clinton Foundation- House Oversight Committee – Utube
    Enjoy this one

  17. Trump is nothing more than a bilious pile of maggot s***. Oh, BTW all of you sycophantic Trump morons, did you remember to ingest your daily dose of bleach????????

  18. No matter how clever these are, they only make him look ridiculous, though nowhere near as ridiculous as his vapidly stupid maga supporters. They can’t help themselves. And no one else can, either.

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