People Are Making Trump Photos With Extremely Long Tie To Annoy The President

Poor Donald once again meets his mortal enemy: Adobe Photoshop …and @TrumpsTies Twitter account who is willing to put it to a good use.

The longer the tie, the better the president.

Donald Trump with an extremely long tie.

Donald Trump with an extremely long tie.

Donald Trump with an extremely long tie.

Donald Trump with an extremely long tie.

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Have you ever noticed how long Trump's tie is?

Trump in a meeting.

Trump posing with pals in his favorite red tie.

Trump greeting Putin while wearing his favorite tie.

Check out Trump's new tie!

If you enjoyed this gallery, and are not a Trump supporter, you will also like Trump’s Frog Chin, Tiny Trump, and Funniest Anti-Trump Protest Signs.

333 thoughts on “People Are Making Trump Photos With Extremely Long Tie To Annoy The President”

  1. He’s all about himself… He’s not a leader… He’s more of a dictator. Twitter Twit!

  2. @James MacPherson — as we all know, Trump is extremely childish — so fighting play-doh with play-doh is the order of the day. We are completely aware he will kick and scream his way across the oval office floor and then launch into some insane Twitter rant.

  3. Bunch of children. I actually thought the photos were hilarious. Y’alls comments on the other hand… Please be Americans, grow up, and open your eyes. Still working the division. Y’all will work that division until it becomes a war. When words are violence to you, what will you think of true violence?

  4. “I’m not going to allow some man with a Suit and a Tie that’s Way too Long for him try to say there is only one type of America” – Billie Joe Armstrong-

  5. These are hilarious, almost as hilarious as all the comments from people who are actually offended by these pictures. I can’t imagine how sad life must be when you have no sense of humor.

  6. Dear Lord, please take Trump’s soul and cast it into hell where it may scamper among the other daemons, heretics and damned souls and boast about how it is the biggest sinner of all times.


  7. He’s the best President ever!! He has so much confidence in himself and what he’s doing for our country and his supporters he not afraid to do these in your face pictures. Hilarious, love it and him. Ready for 2020, let’s get this genious re elected and keep America great!!!

  8. this is halirious! had to say it. i laughed at every single one. im not sure why but i laughed even more as scrolling down to the next and the next. good job!

  9. So freaking funny. Thanks for the laughs … without humor, I would be so completely depressed.

  10. We should have a national insult trumpo day, everyone send him things like this, completely flood social media with all this hysterical stuff and watch him come un-glued.

  11. You should look at his accomplishments instead of attacking his looks. It’s easy to point out the defects in someone else’s armor, but you should be fixing the chinks that you have in your own!

  12. What accomplishments? The only one I can think of is that he’s managed to say 12,000 untrue things in his term as POTUS. I look forward to the day when the American people spit this piece of garbage out.

  13. All trump is doing is backtracking us, hitler acts is what he’s attempting. He is doing nothing beneficial to this country

  14. Trump’s efforts to end Afgan war are ill advised. He is providing legitimacy to a regressive, terrorist organisation. His complete surrender to Taliban has disappoint millions who looked towards America as an example of pursuit of happiness..What happened to the values equality, secularism, gender neutrality anti slavery the cherished values of Americans?

  15. He is a mentally incompetent jackass, a traitor, a liar, a racist prick, a disgrace to this country and needs to be IMPREACHED, ARRESTED, put behind bars, put on a island somewhere all by himself better yet his whole family on an island where they have to fend for themselves with nothing but their brains they wont survive

  16. Dear Get Real: you’re joking, right? All this bozo does is insult and belittle the looks, mock the names, and often the families of anyone who doesn’t kiss his fat butt. I can only think you are being ironic. Like I’ve said before, he’s the worst stand up comic since Carrot-Top. That said, he’s a better stand up comic then he is a president.

  17. What truly amazes me is the fact that you overlook the lying horrible people your own party. they are some of the most despicable people, yet you put on blinders when it comes to them.. seriously. look in the mirror you should all be walking around with a sticker on your head. that says your Pathetic.

  18. Im not even sure if any of you are any better. then he is. you say the most vile things. and you support people who are shady as all hell too. this makes you no better then the person you are attacking. thats right, your all as low as they go. and the funny thing is. you think your above it all. Not

  19. Don Lemon isn’t dumb
    Obama wasn’t born in Kenya
    Andrew Gillum isn’t a thief
    Maxine Waters isn’t low IQ
    NFL players aren’t sons of bitches
    People from Haiti don’t have AIDS
    African Nations aren’t shitholes
    The Central Park 5 were never guilty
    Donald Trump is a racist

  20. 45 is satan in the flesh and his Neo-nazi followers will all rot in hell. You will never realize maga because segregation and slavery will never again be. Teaching your own children about hatred is vile and reprehensible. You’re not from here either, so go back to wherever your ancestors fled from and take your diseases and 🦃 with you.

  21. 45 is satan in the flesh and his Neo-nazi followers will all rot in hell. You will never realize maga because segregation and slavery will never again be. Teaching your own children about hatred is vile and reprehensible. You’re not from here either, so go back to wherever your ancestors fled from and take your diseases and 🦃 with you.
    We need to take all of 45 out of history books and all news and tv need to drop his ass the day he leaves office we are so fking sick of daily childish but deep hurting to this country

  22. Can anyone explain a typical Trump defender’s basic struggle to speak in coherent English? I thought they demanded proficiency of this language to discern who was a true patriot? Or as described in the articulate achievement of their “chosen one,” SAD!

  23. Get Real, I know you probably won’t be able to hear what these comments are telling you. Do yourself a favor and look beyond the vitriol and profanity to ask WHY people are saying bad things about your boy. Choosing to ignore Trump’s failings are the biggest threat to our democracy. If you say things like “well, I don’t like him, but I like his policies”, then your Fox Blinders are showing. The Emperor has no clothes!!

  24. Trump is THE most despicable human being ever. Hes so bad. In every possible way!! Im embarrassed hes the president. I am anti-politics and proud!

  25. T0 Get Real….YOU NEED TO GET REAL!!!! Please list his accomplishments. LMAO He’s destroyed this country. He’s racist. He’s caused the American Farmer to go bankrupt and had to bail them all out because of his tariffs. He’s given tax cuts to the rich and a mere pittance to the middle class. He’s increased our deficit so our great grandchildren will still be paying it back. He took innocent children from their parents and didn’t even have the moral decency to keep records so they could at the very least be deported WITH their families. He promised a healthcare bill that would lower our premiums, decrease our deductibles and give us more benefits and delivered a bill with the EXACT opposite and thanks to a TRUE Republican, McCain, stopped it from happening. He’s told over12,000 lies to the American people. He’s embarrassed this country time and time again to our allies. He’s sided with Russia over his own intelligence agencies and done nothing to stop them from attacking our elections again…..OH I wonder why that is? He’s belittled and embarrassed others and called people names that won’t/don’t agree with him. He’s a child with the vocabulary of a 2nd grader. His twitter tantrums are unbecoming to a President or any normal adult. He’s mocked the disabled and called the free press the enemy of the people because they call him out on his lies. (like they should) LMAO I can keep going…..let me know if you need more reasons. Your inability to see what an embarrassment he is and how he’s destroying this great country is truly amazing. And NOW….he’s got us headed into another recession…but he knows all the best people and has the best words. NOT

  26. OH…and he paid off p0rn stars. Paid off attorney’s to lie for him. Paid off a doctor to tell the American people he was healthy when we can see he’s obese. Has had more people in his administration charged with federal crimes than any president in history. His administration…of all the BEST PEOPLE…has turned over more than any President in history. He’s appointed unqualified people into positions they shouldn’t be. He promised to drain the swamp but filled it with one of the worst corporate swamps in US History.


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