People Around The World Went Pantless For The Annual “No Pants Subway Ride”…

The “No Pants Subway Ride” is an annual event where people ride the subway while they are not wearing pants. The event is organized by Improv Everywhere, and has coordinators in cities around the world. Participants are instructed to behave as everything were normal. If their fellow passengers ask them why they aren’t wearing pants, they should reply that they simply forgot to put them on. They should also insist that it is a coincidence that others also forgot their pants.

No pants subway ride participants in NYC.

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Cigarettes From Santa: Vintage Tobacco Christmas Ads

Ho-Ho-(cough)-Ho!  Merry-(cough)-Christmas!  Once upon a time, cigarettes were a Christmas present favorite – the gift that kept on giving (cancer). While kids were busy unwrapping their dolls and toy cars, dad was opening his carton of Camels. And the tobacco industry wasn’t shy about promoting their products for the holidays…

Ronald Reagan pushing drugs fro Christmas.

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Realistic Zombie Head Coffee Mugs

Some people find the prospect of starting a day without a cup of coffee scary. These disturbingly realistic-looking zombie mugs will ensure that they are scared even while they’re drinking. They are the creations of Turkey Merck, who makes these fancy and functional mugs from clay, with some added epoxy resin details.

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The Best Signs From The 2018 Women’s March

A year on from Donald Trump’s inauguration women have taken to the streets once again, as a follow up to last year’s Women’s March. Apparently this movement here to stay – thousands of women turned out to voice their displeasure with the current administration in Washington D.C. and just like last year, they have made some hilariously creative and clever signs.

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ABC for Adults

Artist Toby Leigh has created his own version of ABC books, painted in the same style, but with the seemingly innocent words – Apple, Dog, Queen, and so on – twisted into sinister adult themes. Leigh is currently using the crowdfunded publishing tool Unbound to raise the funds to put the book out, which should be seeing the light of day sometime in the nearest future.

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