Twinkle Tush Covers Your Cat’s Butt With a Jewel

The Twinkle Tush is essentially a little necklace that you can wrap around the base of your cats tail that has a little jewel that hangs off it to cover your cat’s butthole. What’s worse than having some people over only to have your cat walk out in the room flaunting it’s uncovered butthole all over the house? As your guests see your cats anus, your grandmother gasps in horror and your mother faints to the floor. If only there were a better way! Simply put the butthole necklace over your cat’s tail and the shame your cat walks around with will be hidden from view. The only problem: when cat goes to take a dump, you’re going to end up with an ass bling full of poop.

Twinkle Tush cat butt bling.

Twinkle Tush cat butt bling.

Twinkle Tush cat butt bling.

Twinkle Tush cat butt bling.

Twinkle Tush cat butt bling.

Twinkle Tush cat butt bling.

Twinkle Tush cat butt bling.

Twinkle Tush cat butt bling.

Twinkle Tush cat butt bling.

Twinkle Tush cat butt bling.

In case you’re wondering, the Twinkle Tush is a real product, and although it’s probably just a gag-gift, we are sure someone out there is going to use it for real. You can get in on Amazon, however currently it seems to be sold out. Apparently a lot of people are blinging up their cat butts and the manufacturer can’t keep up with orders.

14 thoughts on “Twinkle Tush Covers Your Cat’s Butt With a Jewel”

  1. At least it isn’t a plug. Y’all know the cat will not take that off before entering the litter box?

  2. What about dogs? Are their anuses more attractive and tastefully displayed or something?

  3. Any cat I’ve owned would absolutely freak the f*ck out if someone tried to hang a dangly piece of jewelry on the base of it’s tail. Not to mention every time the cat walks, that jewel is going to be tapping on it’s brown eye.

  4. If you are offended by your cat’s little pucker, don’t have a cat. Honestly, what an uncomfortable piece of crap that looks like. Just stop.

  5. This is like secret Santa or stocking stuffer gold. Any friend or family member with a cat would love it.

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