Photographer Captures The Best (Worst?) Mullets From Australian MulletFest

You might think that the notorious mullet is a thing of the past, but you would be wrong. Turns out each year there’s a MulletFest taking place in the small town of Kurri Kurri in Australia, so photographer Craig Gibson went Down Under to capture the best (worst?) contestants…

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

Epic mullet.

25 thoughts on “Photographer Captures The Best (Worst?) Mullets From Australian MulletFest”

  1. In addition to having awful hair, it’s now clear that Australia has some seriously ugly dudes.

  2. The first mullet I ever saw was on the album cover for “Diamond Dogs” in the 70’s.

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