19 thoughts on “Brexit Visualized”

  1. OK, we get it. Sadanduseless are anti-Brexit. But you’re not British, so it doesn’t really concern you.

  2. Britain is WISE to exit now! The Bible predicts that a United Europe will go down with the Vatican.

  3. Anyone with a modest IQ and above is anti-brexit. Or anti-Trump. Or anti-Salvini. Or anti-Le Pen and the sort. But I do love the oh-so-British-version of the carrot rugrat that limeys elected for PM to get this farce done. He does make a lovely pair with Nigel Farcege, whose sole motivation is enjoying the sight of fit young men in khaki shorts marching up and down the square on Empire Day.

  4. So many stupid people who have no idea what’s for their own good and refuse to let their moral and intellectual superiors run their lives for them as God intended! We should just herd them into pens and treat them as livestock they’re so dumb, right?

  5. Intelligent? Stupid Consequences? The whole thing will end in an administrative regulation with the charme of a german “Flurbereinigung”.

    There are countless “united countries”, monetary associations and intergovernmental treaties in european history, all gone. This is one more at the end gone one more.

    Europe is divers, different cultures, different languages different countries. US is not able to integrate 3 or 4 (blacks, whites, mexicans and chinese) all with the same language. Alone from languages, we have dozends of it.

  6. Trebon: All gone? -Like the German federation? Or the United Swedish kingdom (Svea Göta and Vendel)… There might be some other kind of United Kingdom as well, i dont know…

  7. Reckless…

    Germany Federation exist since 195xx. I live in a Part of Hamburg which was former danish.

    Take a Look at history

  8. The media only likes to glorify the political left and their mentality, which makes me convinced that it may not be such a bad thing. Take the US for example. Brittan got along just just fine before,

  9. Weird thing in a democracy: when more people vote for something than against it, it wins.

    Despite the anti-brexers’ best efforts, people even RE-voted for it… and celebrated its passage. Yet again, one side is rooted in reality while the other whinges and has tantrums rather than accepting reality. Those people are the real mockery, and they don’t even know it.

  10. I noticed that pro-Brexit and pro-Trump people have above-average difficulty in distinguishing between “their” and “they’re” and “there”. Coincidence? 🤨😏

  11. Good riddance. I’ll be enjoying the headlines about how well UK farmers, fishermen and other sectors perform without EU subsidies in the years to come and, of course, congratulations on becoming officially an US colony :)

  12. no, no, I mean, the Referendum was completely hogwash, but indeed the last election they voted carrottop and effectively confirmed the majority wanted Brexit.
    So that’s fine, democratic etc.
    It’s just stupid, but their right to do so.


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