The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Litter and dog waste.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

Funny anti-Trump protest sign.

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1,030 thoughts on “The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK”

  1. Thank you Thank you you made us laugh, we are so embarrassed we don’t seem to be able to get rid of him
    But thanks for being our support group

  2. I love your spunk Great Britain…..from a Canadian who has to be his neighbor! Bummer!

  3. He is one uncouth Moron that thinks his shit doesn’t stink How he got elected is beyond me Love these Signs how right they are . From a Aussie that can not stand the sight of him or sound that comes out of his mouth

  4. I can’t imagine going through life being so hated by the world at large. But I suppose he’s brought it on himself.

  5. Great posters! Thanks for your support. Keep up the protests while he’s there! Big baby float, float high!!!

  6. Thanks to the UK, for a proper belly laugh. We would be more than happy to extend his visit indefinitely if you like. Somebody needs to take him. Anyone? We can pay you handsomely.

  7. Thank you Britain, now come back to Europe please , we dont wanna loose this lessons of humor ! 😩

  8. Thank you Brits! The majority of yanks hate trump! The ones who like him are busy marrying their sisters and eating corn with no teeth.

  9. Thank you for expressing your message we Americans love you and your country. We hate trump

  10. Trump is the best president since Ronald Reagan Obama gave the American people nothing and lined his own pockets and muslim countries those who demonstrated against him are paid to protest against him every british persons l spoke to love him and wish he was prime minister of the UK he has done more for Americs than the Clintons and obama in a have term so l predict he will win the 2020 electoon by a landside

  11. “l predict he will win the 2020 electoon by a landside”

    I totally support this prediction. Electoon won by a landside. Preach.

  12. LOL… Anonymous needs to learn how to SPELL!! and trust me, most of America wishes he was prime Minister of England as well! LOL

  13. That other anonymous poster is clearly Russian and new at pretending to be an English speaker. Or it’s Eric.

  14. BLESS YOU, British family! (Several generations back, we ARE Family!) Your humor warms my heart, makes me laugh, gives me hope. J.E.Deegan, I pray that you are thanking God for President tRump for the contributions to humor that may be the only thing keeping many of us in America SANE.

  15. Trump is a moron and if you don’t know that by now, especially after him stating there is a terminal illness called “Noise Cancer”🤦🏼‍♀️, then showing his true impulsive lying is out of control to the point he lied twice about where his Dad was born. What a petty thing to lie about and why would you lie about that? In area and through out our state in MN, I have never seen so many businesses close and shutdown in a such a short time. Factories, stores, restaurants, so again he lied and stated he promised that businesses would never close and more would be built. Lies!

  16. Humor is the only way. This president is a demoralizing, divisive con artist.

  17. We Love you Great Britain! Hopefully we, nor our fabulous mates, have to endure another 4 years of this mental orangutan!!

  18. I wish people would stop comparing President Trump to orangutans. This deeply hurts and grieves me. Because I really love and respect orangutans.

  19. I suggest you check his pockets before he leaves London….and his suitcases and Melania’s bag…Our president has the ‘morals’ of a ‘bitch’ dog…Many apologies to BITCH dogs….

  20. Anonymous…?? I’d be embarrassed to put my name on that comment myself..!!

  21. Trump is a traitor to the USA 🇺🇸. He had Russia rig the voting machines. He wants to rule the world and will sell the USA to Russia.

  22. Anonymous, you are nearly as delusional as 45. God bless the Brits and their disgust for 45

  23. Obviously “Anonymous” is in grade school and has not yet learned about punctuation or spelling! No American even remotely likes trump, only brain dead, zombie sheeple, like trump. We the people are pushing for Impeachment, then trial in civil court for his crimes then jail for life!

  24. Thanks to all of our British friends for carrying the day. Your enthusiasm and wit are fantastic. But if i could just ask one small favor…. When he goes to the Tower to see the Crown Jewels, could you keep him there? Please???

  25. Love British humor! You’re spit on…down with the Orange Trumpet!
    And for those who have posted grievances against the Obama administration…may I remind you he got the USA out of the deepest shithole it has ever experienced? And the Orange Trumpet is taking the kudos he’s not entitled to

  26. These are terrific! My daughter and I went to a protest/march in Denver, CO. Her sign: **** the Wall; my sign: OMG GOP WTF. #notmypresident #45hastinyhands #45skisinjeans

  27. I spoke over the phone today with a client in Kent, UK. I so wanted to apologize for this deplorable president, but I had to leave politics out of work. Please Brits, understand how disgusted millions of Americans are by this horrible human being.

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