“What’s Wrong With My Cat?” Online Group Has Owners Posting Pics of Their Malfunctioning Cats

Did you know that there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to sightings of cats that got caught acting super weird? It’s called r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat and featured below are the funniest pictures of clearly malfunctioning cats from this brilliant online community.

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

Some cats are weird...

200 thoughts on ““What’s Wrong With My Cat?” Online Group Has Owners Posting Pics of Their Malfunctioning Cats”

  1. These pictures made my day made me laugh after being stuck inside for over 5 months not much to laugh about except these beautiful adorable cats. Keep the pictures coming.

  2. What can I say? My Miss Lily Rose sleeps with us but I must lay on my right side so she can see my face as she falls asleep !

  3. I am more of a dog person but this is why I would get a cat. They are so stupidly funny and cute.

  4. This made me laugh so hard and so loud. I know my neighbors are wondering what I’m doing over here in my apartment.

  5. The cat sitting in the blue chair , 10 pics back , is haunted by the ghost of Carol Chaning , you’re welcome

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