177 thoughts on “Woman Creates Very Strange Self Portraits, Calls It Art”

  1. Those long long long Finnish winter nights must have driven her over the edge of sanity and into the pond of brilliance.

  2. Yes I definitely think art. I am actually very impressed. The last one especially made me sad. I saw it as trying to carry water for beauty ideals when you can’t physically make that happen. Good job to her on some thought provoking items.

  3. If she says it’s art, then it is. I think she’s been taking these types of photos a while now. I recognised the one of her on the treadmill with the loaves (from a good while ago). They are brilliant. And I don’t think it is self-loathing as someone suggested. I think it’s more humourous, ironic than that. Who knows? Has she ever been interviewed? Or researched properly? 🤔

  4. The photo series provoked a sense sadness. Interesting take on the trope of beauty and societal expectations. Heavy overtones of self-loathing and hopelessness. I’d say this is very raw art.

  5. She presents her body installation art, quite incredible. I really enjoy her ideas. Amazing…

  6. All of these pictures required some thought and work to be so random, silly and well done. Therefore, they are art.

  7. She most definitely has a sense of humour, dark maybe but it is there.Art is what you make, so ….yes it is art

  8. Definitely art, and much more thought provoking than a banana taped to a wall with duct tape. She needs her own exhibition! I would attend!

  9. Glad the majority of people think of her work as art. It is high Art. A basic job of art is to help answer questions of what are we doing here? Why do we exist? Is there meaning? Its a basic human necessity. From cave paintings of indigenous people Humans have made art. Its a language that all of us can relate in some form. Even if relating to it is that you don’t get it or understand it. The person that said that said that this work is self-loathing has stated information about themselves and their social constructs by looking and responding to this art. Art is a joy in this world- even hard to look at or understand art. That is why i am an artist and I work in an art museum.

  10. As a person of size, I find these photos revealing. This woman, knowing how narrowly society judges feminine beauty, has chosen to parody her body and self to the viewing public. Her appendages, rolls of fat and curves offer a place to place things an average sized person cannot. It is “the art of the spectacle.” We can’t, not look. I am applauding her for her wit, creativity and personal exposition.

  11. I am sure that she gets her inspiration from Harry Styles…he obviously thinks his outrageousness is art!

  12. How about losing all the body weight and getting really really thin and buffed like at the spa with beauty treatments, and THEN use the SAME PROPS you used for these photos. Is that the point?

  13. Wait a minute, is it really her demonstration about what she thinks males thought of her intellect when she had sex with them? Nooooh!

  14. Well it could be art as unmade beds and breeze blocks have all been major exhibits by famous so called artists

  15. Clearly a demonstration of art brut also know as outsider art. I thing the images challenge ideas of body and self. With a playful element and sense of humor and style. But I could be way off base on my analysis. I do like it however.

  16. Yes. Very honest expressions of issues concerning her body, sexuality, cultural expectations, and self-image. She operates from the surrealist and absurdist traditions, whether she intends to or nor. If she keeps going, and continues to explore those concerns, I imagine she will only get better. Question: why would it not be considered art?

  17. Why wouldn’t this be “art”? Jeff Koons has made millions from passing off lame objects as “art” to the gullible art world for years! Ridiculous!!!

  18. Yes, it’s definitely satirical art. I would have her photos scattered around my house.

  19. The fact that this article exists means she is very unique and fearless. This work is no doubt art.

  20. I’m an underground female artist from hungary. I think this is a great rebellion art-thing against the “mainstream” “Selfie”-trend and beauty industry. Love it!

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