180 thoughts on “Woman Creates Very Strange Self Portraits, Calls It Art”

  1. This was horrible I don’t think it was funny at all I feel sorry for her it shows that she has a low self esteem of herself

  2. The shit’s funny. Y’all are projecting your view of fat all over her. She’d probably say something like that too. There’s talent there: her use of color, composition, and so on. Those are good photos.

  3. As a woman that’s been a “big girl” my whole life,…I was her size after I had my twin boys & 3 yrs ago I was wearing an 8& squeezed into my daughters size 5 jeans for a picture…I’m back up to a size 14 now…& have never changed anything about what I eat or how active I am…it’s great she’s obviously comfortable with who she is to even allow her pictures to be taken, let alone as “exposed” as she is!! I hid from every picture I could or made sure I was the one taking the pictures!!! I wouldn’t & still don’t even eat around people I’m not fully ok with!! Let alone she covers herself in food & she points out characteristics & “flaws” that “big girls” have been “fat shamed” about for so long that insecurities have rotted & festered into neurosis…like me…she’s a goof ball & over the top, she’s putting herself in the scenes she’s setting up & making them public…I thought she was hilarious & had a cool clash of colors & props & without actually doing it…she was giving a giant middle finger to”proper” & “normal” !! Awesome way to throw a monkey wrench into the monotony of the life of a housewife, for reals!!! I started to think about the ruckus she’s gonna raise when she’s an old lady with dementia…& Sorry by I laughed harder!! Good for her!!! Not art I’d buy though!!

  4. Probabley she was paíd to do that. Of course it is not art. This woman must be tired of being the way she is and decided to use it and get some money.

  5. Se al suo posto ci fosse stata una modella magra e un fotografo di grido, queste foto sarebbero subito Arte

  6. I give her credit for putting her self out there, but in every picture she seems so sad.

  7. This woman is beyond brilliant. She has an innocence that bounces off her wisdom. She is not afraid of showing how peculiar it is to own a body that will eventually leave us. Under the body fear is the death fear, for all of us. She doesn’t thumb her nose at bulemics or fetishists who require life threatening surgeries to boost a lack of imagination and an overly fed ego. I suspect she is a delightful person who has felt her spirit and creativity for a very long. I would love to have her as a friend.

  8. If Tracey Emin can call an unmade bed art or Damian Hurst can cut a cow in half and that’s art then why not ?

  9. she’s genius. art is meant to evoke emotion. she doesn’t need to smile; that would change the whole dynamic of her work. i admire her for putting herself “out there”.
    i had to smile at some of her images because i’m a big girl too. some made me sad as well. what she has done isn’t random at all. each photo has been carefully thought out and planned. and so what if she was paid to do these pictures? good for her! i have become a fan.

  10. this is one of the saddest articles i have ever seen. Susiraja is one of the most experienced artists of our modern age, and to diminish her expertise and gorgeous compositions to generate a diluted, wretched giggle is illustrative of the evil pricks who wrote and enjoyed this article. i hope you drop your cereal bowls after you put in the milk.

    shame on you rotten children.

  11. I actually kind of understand it, but I’m not going to explain it because my thoughts are all jumbled up.

  12. Isto não é arte, só vejo uma mulher gorda a fazer figura de parva, e ela chama a isto arte? Ela deve ter é uma depressão enorme.

  13. People…she in fact IS an artist…look her up and actually see her smiling face. It’s not your body…and we all have our hang-ups…but kudos to her for doing something with what she’s got !!! Very unique…Odd, YES…but good for her !!!

  14. This is not art. This is a sad person seeking attention on the web. She might want to seek mental health professional help.

  15. If she’s happy 😊 doing wot she’s doing then nobody has the right to slag her off or put her down, she is not hurting anybody there are a lot more worse things in this world I can think 🤔 of. Leave her be! Good on you Girl i say and fu*k the haters. 🤬💗💗

  16. She has a very pretty face, but she looks so sad.
    I like the picture with the loaf of Bread in her arms as if it was a baby.
    Is it art? I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. It’s okay.

  17. I think she has a lot of hatred for herself, in my opinion. Why else would a woman want to make herself look so ridiculous? I know art is a personal thing, but this attempt at it just makes me sad.

  18. This is totally creative and innovative art. Is she depressed? Is she happy? All of those parts of the artist become part of the art. My only critique is her presentation. Get away from the ‘sadness’ and ‘humor’ sites. Set yourself up a website and start posting your work on social media. There will always be those that don’t understand art, the haters. Ignore them and keep making art.

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