If You Want To Feel Like a Giant Burrito, This Blanket Is For You

It looks like more and more people are enjoying turning themselves into big, warm, delicious burritos. And they are not shy about it either, as you can see by checking out  #BurritoBlanket hashtag on Instagram. We’ve featured below some of the funniest pictures of human burritos, but if you wish to become one yourself, you’ll have to head over to Amazon.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

Burrito blanket.

6 thoughts on “If You Want To Feel Like a Giant Burrito, This Blanket Is For You”

  1. Tell that to the corn farmers who live near me! They have so much crap purchased from the hog farmers nearby that they spread it a foot thick all over their fields!

  2. Why did you, Anonymous, bring up the purchase of fertilizer in a post about burrito blankets? These blankets are neither crap nor junk, but rather a chance to turn yourself into a human-being burrito!

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