Seals Perform The Banana Pose When They Feel Safe And Content

Did you know? Seals will perform the banana pose when they are feeling safe and content. Lifting their heads and flippers into to the air also helps to regulate their body temperature and keeps their extremities dry when close to water. It looks funny and cute. Check out this gallery of adorable plump bananas to see for yourself!

Seal doing a banana pose.

Seal doing a banana pose.

Seal doing a banana pose.

Banana shaped seal.

Delicious banana seal.

Cute banana shaped seal.

Banana seal.

Adorable banana seal.

Seal doing a banana pose.

Banana seals.

Chunky seal.

Seal cosplaying as a banana.

Cute fat seal.

Banana seal.

Banana seal.

Happy plump banana.

Seal doing a banana pose.

2 thoughts on “Seals Perform The Banana Pose When They Feel Safe And Content”

  1. *Seals* perform the Banana Pose when they feel safe and content?
    Doesn’t everybody?!
    Just me?

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