So You Can Now Buy a Nipple Knit Top…

It’s not easy to be a fashionable woman in this day and age when everything changes so fast. Just a regular boring knit top is no longer enough. Now you must cover it with nipples keep up with the times! This weird sweater is made and sold by Fashion Brand Company, a tongue-in-cheek company run by Penelope Gazin and costs $95. Visit her store here and get yours today, because it’s important to support small companies that make stupid stuff!

Nipple knit top.

Nipple knit top.

Nipple knit top.

Nipple knit top.

Nipple knit top.

6 thoughts on “So You Can Now Buy a Nipple Knit Top…”

  1. Guys: It’s a trap! Just one more reason for women to scoff and say, “My eyes are up here.”


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