2024 Kid Trump Calendar Is Here! Finally!

He may only be a one-term president, but thanks to this calendar you’ll be able to enjoy our commander-in-Cheeto’s antics all throughout 2024 as well. Each month comes with a brilliantly hilarious and masterfully doctored image of Trump as a little kid. You can order this calendar on Etsy for yourself or as a gift to a Trump supporter – it would royally piss him off. There’s just something so satisfying watching Trump as a toddler – so helpless, so clueless… just as in real life.

Kid Trump calendar for the 2024.

Listed below is an insight of what to expect from this calendar. Not all of the pictures in this gallery can be actually found in this calendar.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Trump as a little kid.

Where to get this calendar? You can order your copy on Etsy. Please note that this site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Etsy affiliate we earn from qualifying purchases.

38 thoughts on “2024 Kid Trump Calendar Is Here! Finally!”

  1. 91 Felony counts. A man who is a traitor to our country (Jan 6). A stupid, lying, heartless pig. Why would ANYONE want this embarrassment back in office again? Seriously, I wanna know.

  2. These are pretty old. Like him and his bullshit. I’d love to go one day without being reminded that this turd ever existed.

  3. Still… not a thing funny about Biden, huh? Not even, “He’s old.”

    Then again, Afghan pullout, insane inflation, secret deals to enrich his family, cocaine in the white house, massive swarms pouring over the border… I guess there really isn’t anything funny about him. Best stick with childish pics of Trump.

  4. Whataboutism! Trump isn’t a good enough person to even clean Biden’s shoes. He may be old, but at least he’s not a total a-hole.

  5. This is not funny and I also find it quite offensive. As a representative of your readers we demand new jokes and memes. What the heck are we not paying you for?

  6. Please post more of these to inflame and trigger all the snowflakes and political ass hat commenters on this site. Such a treat to read all of the bitching and whining.

  7. Die US-Amerikaner sind eh alle nur noch verrückt geworden. Nehmen Indianern ihr Land weg, versklaven schwarze Menschen, töten ihre eigenen Kinder an der Schule mit ihren Waffen. Verlieren ständig Kriege. haben beschissenes Wetter. Können keine stabile Häuser bauen. usw. usw. Ich danke Gott kein US-Amerikaner zu sein.

  8. For all the TDS accusers out there, it looks like the keeper of this website feeds on your tears. Enjoy!
    For people saying there has been nothing funny posted here about the fascist Biden, there was an AI one of him eating concrete.

  9. Just to make it clear, Trump was a sad joke and a very bad president.The key word is however ‚was‘. Recycling 2021 calendar for the second year in a raw will not (hopefully) bring him back.
    But please tell me, don’t you find it a bit problematic that whenever someone dares to mark the fact that Trump jokes are irrelevant for today’s discourse he is immediately marked as a fascist and an enemy of democracy and free Speech. Can’t you see the irony in your actions?

  10. Trump or Biden – makes little difference. They are both proof that the sooner US collapse comes, the better for everyone.

  11. These are all new to me, just bizarre that people on here commenting memes are old assume everyone has seen them. We have to laugh to not cry because Trump won’t just GO AWAY! God help us all if Trump wins, he must be stopped at all costs!

  12. Thank you for these they are super funny and thank you for making it so easy to comment. No sign in no pop up ads and still people on here complain. I built a cool website on easydns that was similar, I made people subscribe to comment because one blog out of 10 was a personal blog so if people left mean comments I needed to know who they were. But there were no ads even though I built it on Google blogger then added a custom intro section that was the easysns part. Mu point is this dimple looking site is not as easy to create as these commenter think. Wix charges a lot and they haven’t fixed a lot of problems. Anyhow sorry to rant, came on here to see the absurd sweaters for snakes and saw the funny Trump meme. We will eventually have a good Republican president again. But now is not the time. Let Biden finish what he started. He’s not racist and evil like Trump or DeSantis calling people names like kindergarten kids. Put in started this Ukraine attack now on purpose because he’s mad his little puppet Trump lost. He only won before because of Russian interference. I believe Covid was no accident to force Trump into a crisis too. He didn’t handle it well. Isn’t life just a series of tests for us all? Putin gets Ukraine he will keep crossing borders. It’s a war on humans not just Ukraine. If you don’t see that you watch too much Fox. Watch Sean Penn’s new doc. ” Superpower ” you’ll understand it all better. The border situation is bad and I agree a liability for Biden. I think we should be helping the countries that people are fleeing from to come here just like Ukraine. But I realize it’s more complicated. We should all learn as much as we can about a person place or thing before we speak about it. Namaste!

  13. Xana smells like a Deep State troll..or an imbiber of MSM Koolaid. We are all in deep doo-doo if such brainless propaganda is uncritically accepted as fact.

    As for leaving a “real name”, some people have no shame.

  14. Stfu everyone its a joke its meant to be funny. not everything is bad smh. there are more offensive things on the internet than a president’s face photoshopped onto kids faces on a calendar. like JEEZ!! politics isnt that big of a deal.

  15. Gregor the German writes a comment that puts down America and Americans in his comments.
    It’s laughable.
    America had to come to the rescue of Europe twice in two world wars.
    Had we not, the vile, evil, German leadership would have killed and enslaved millions of more Europeans!
    So many European countries have turned their backs on the country that saved them from tyranny.

  16. @JJ you can’t possibly look at the state of politics, discourse, and policy in the US without thinking that yeah just maybe we’ve all lost the plot. i think it’s the covid attacking brain cells ;)

  17. and o by the way germany actually prosecutes nazis. here we let their filth spread like stink off a cesspool. tell me that’s not insane

  18. If only both Trump and Biden could be president at the same time, our nation would become full of peace and happiness!

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