Jesus Being a Jerk

“Jesus Is a Jerk” is a meme consisting of images showing Jesus with average people doing everyday tasks. Hilarity ensues as funny and often vulgar text is added. The original images with the caption “With You Always” were illustrated as a series titled “Jesus: With You Always” in 1987 by the Christian artist Larry Van Pelt. Scroll down to see the funniest examples of this meme!

Are we there yet?

You suck at fishing!

The bullet stays in, LOL!

Jesus being a jerk.

OMG Jesus stop!

Jesus being a jerk.

Jesus being a jerk.

Jesus being a jerk.

Jesus being a jerk.

Leave me alone!

Jesus being a jerk.

Jesus being a jerk.

STFU, Jesus!

Jesus being a jerk.

Tickle, tickle, tickle!

Jesus being a jerk.

Jesus being a jerk.

Jesus being a jerk.

Jesus being a jerk.

Staring contest!

Jesus being a jerk.

Jesus being a jerk.

Jesus being a jerk.

25 thoughts on “Jesus Being a Jerk”

  1. Sad and Useless? You don’t have to be so defensive. These are funny. Ans since they’re funny, they’re also not useless. Because I can use them to make myself laugh. Stop taking your silly superstition so seriously!

  2. So brave to mock Christians, so new and daring. Send me a link when you do the same for Muhammad.

  3. Read up in the previous comments:
    Smartass is such a sucker…
    …and not even that smart!

    BTW I liked these memes. Muhammad can’t reach my levels of jokes even in another 2000 years.

  4. There is a good chance Jesus taught through humor, but our translations totally miss it. Think of your best teachers. Were they always deadly serious? No. A lot of the parables probably had punch lines. These cartoons are not an attack on Christianity. They are a celebration. And please — don’t bring Muhammad into the conversation — that just shows you may have missed the whole point. Love your brothers and sisters. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive… Judge not lest you be judged … The mote in someone else’s eye, instead of the beam in your own (probably hilarious in it’s time). The new testament is full of both forgiveness, and advice to look at one’s self as the place to focus on making some adjustments! So really, to be utterly consistent, I should perhaps not even be writing this response — but I like the humor. Well done.

  5. Even a Christian like myself find these hilarious. Seems like something you would find in the daily paper

  6. LMFAO! I heard that Jesus used to fight stray cats in alleyways filled with hobos. Maybe he wasn’t all that great after all…

  7. Idk.. despite it, your depiction of Jesus does seem quite disgusting to me. Jesus has His humor, yes. But uh.. this?

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