Instagram Reality: When People Fail To Use Filters (Part 2)

You have probably using Instagram for long enough to have definitely noticed that many people use filters, however some don’t know when to stop and overdo it. The r/InstagramReality subreddit happily sheds light on those who take things too far. While the appeal of matching your photos with athletes or supermodels is understandable, taking it to such extreme is absurd. The addiction is real. Don’t do it. Just say no! P.S. Check out Part 1 here.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

Instagram filters fail.

If you had a good laugh at these pictures, check out Part 1 for even more!

12 thoughts on “Instagram Reality: When People Fail To Use Filters (Part 2)”

  1. Half are AI created, half are idiots, and all of them should be locked away for the protection the poor kids who think this is reality and try to imitate these images.

  2. Humanity is dead, period… The saddest part is that way too many idiots believe this is real…. My personal “favorite” is # 8. Dude, you can magnify your junk and enhance your muscles as much as you want, but with THAT HAIRCUT, you will never get laid….

  3. 99% chance that it’s fake. In the 1% chance that it’s real, it’s totally unattractive anyway.

  4. These twins #4 are the “Adelalinka twins”. Adel and Alina Fakhteeva. They once made headlines looking for a “disgustingly rich husband to share”. I doub’t they’d ever take the time to filter and photoshop much ;)

  5. Judging from a few of these gentlemen women must really want the feeling of having a baby sized object thrust back into their wombs.

  6. Say what you will, but if attention was the goal, these rejects from the Uncanny Valley scored big time.

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