Glitter Butts: Weird And Dumb Instagram Trend

Instagram users really love to lick glitter and fill their armpits with it. Now they’ve finally started to cover their butts with glitter to help kill the environment even faster in exchange for internet points. Scroll down and enjoy the best (worst?) examples of #glitterbutt trend!

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

Glitter butt.

17 thoughts on “Glitter Butts: Weird And Dumb Instagram Trend”

  1. …can glitter uvulas be far behind? If these “ladies” are showing their best side, their future opportunities are going to be limited to pole dancing.

  2. 1. Now try to use the toilet.
    2. Someone’s going to be really, really p-d about the state of their toilet.
    3. Literally just another excuse to show off one’s butt.

  3. I’m going to need to see this phenomenon on men’s butts too, in order to have an informed opinion.

  4. Imagine all of the frenzied wiping and scratching should all the glitter migrate to the ol’ browneye.

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