Show This To Someone Who Says “I Love To Travel!”

Common sense really isn’t as common as you think. Some people don’t understand the simple fact that when we are in public, we are not alone and have to respect others. We have collected proof that some passengers have absolutely no clue how to behave on airplanes. Warning: before scrolling down, make sure you are not eating. This gallery can make you feel sick.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Flying lobster.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

Some people should be banned from traveling.

What would trigger you the most? Someone sticking their dirty feet in your space, clipping nails, popping zits, throwing trash on the floor? Have you ever encountered these flying pigs while traveling? Let us know in the comments below!

3 thoughts on “Show This To Someone Who Says “I Love To Travel!””

  1. The woman clipping her nails is actually the least offensive of them. They are all absolutely cringeworthy. I remember when flying was an event, and people actually got dressed up for it.

  2. I’m old enough to remember air travel before it became airborne Greyhound service. Stewardesses (yes, not “flight attendants”) would greet kids with metal lapel pins of the airline and crayons. They’d offer magazines and other reading materials (free, of course) pre-flight. The pilots would have the door to the cockpit open and would offer a glimpse to anyone interested in the flight deck. Checked bags were all free, and there was room for carry-ons. Leg room was a thing, as were choices of hot meals, prepared as well as could be expected for quick service of hundreds of people.

    And, of course, none of that matters if the passengers themselves are rude, pushy, slovenly, and demanding — so we weren’t. People were mostly polite, kept to themselves, or at the very least, recognized that we were all stuck together for the next six hours so we may as well be courteous and behave ourselves.

  3. As a flight attendant I can say I run a tight ship. Your comfort stops when it puts out another guest. So none of these would be allowed and all would be addressed. I do not have to have regulations to address guest comfort. All I have to do is know you are distressing another guest. If other crew members are not willing to address this crap then they are just as much the problem as the distressing guest.


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