Meet The New Grumpy Cat That Looks Even Angrier Than Her Predecessor

No one will ever replace the original Grumpy Cat, but a new kitty has captured the internet’s attention that deserves to be among the world’s angriest felines. Meet Meow Meow, a giant fluff from Taiwan. Her owner said Meow Meow is also very elegant. For example, she had kept her grace even when she stayed at the hospital for her hyperthyroidism treatment. Now that’s class. Of course, she still hated everyone and everything throughout her visit, but that’s what special about Meow Meow. She expresses her disgust for the world with such dignity, she’s definitely one of the most adorable kitties out there!

The new Grumpy Cat.

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There Are Now Merit Badges For Adults, Because Adulting Is Hard

Being a grown-up is hard. Someone clearly agrees with us, because there’s a company that makes merit badges for adults. They’re essentially completion badges for pretty normal everyday tasks, but they help you feel a little bit more accomplished. Some of the merit badges for adults include putting on pants, eating a vegetable, watching just 1 Netflix episode, avoiding confrontation, and more.

Put pants on.

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