19 thoughts on “Weird Beauty Pageant Queens of The Past Century”

  1. Catfish Queen is obviously representing catfish at the United Nations. That’s where all heads of state hang out.

  2. Nowadays people would think these are statements about something or another worth ranting about on Twitter. There’s no cure for postmodernism.

  3. I’d love to have a bath with the lovely Blueberry Queen! And yes, the Idaho Potato Queen is really adorable!

  4. I agree about postmodernism being incurable, but one can only hope it’sa disease that is fatal to its victims. I’mQueen of Mean,meaning I meant that.

  5. That is not a catfish. Not even a fresh fish. Just the same old bad taxidermy salmonid found hanging on the wall of any pub. Asides that, all good! Far better than any XXI-century influenzer.

  6. Thanks for the clarification. Teleost. I thought it was a dog that stood too close to Miss Radiation.

  7. These days, if a woman said she was either Sausage Queen or Lube Rack Queen, people would look askance…

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