Forget amusement parks, because having kids is the real adrenaline rush. It’s unpredictable and often leaves you wondering if laughter or exhaustion will win the day. Lisa Munn, the creator of @SarcasticMommy, provides a hilariously honest and relatable look at parenting. Here we have collected her best insights. Scroll down to check them out!
I’ve read through a bunch of idiotically stale, stereotypical and unfunny screenshots, and now my cats are hungry.
Having a husband who will NEVER look past the milk or open up the pantry to see what we have in back stock, I can totally relate.
Putting humour aside. The different between having kids to having parents is that parents were adults with their own free wills when they signed up for this job. Kids on the other hand are minors who were forced to labor in this equation.
Think about it next time you try to empress strangers on the internet with your educational fiasco.
Don’t care what anyone says, these are funny
the phone at 6 % is plain stupid
About the waiting and everyone will eat cereal? God forbid someone besides Mommy should bother to cook.
This is a good start on a list of why I never wanted brat…er…kids.
I have no sympathy for breeders, they knew what they were signing up for, they were children once themselves.
I’m just here for the comments.
Steph McCormick:
How stupid is it to deliberately “read through a bunch of idiotically stale, stereotypical and unfunny screenshots?”
It baffles me why people want to stare at something they don’t like just so they can complain about how much they don’t like it.
Get a hobby.
Exactly, anonymous who wrote about Steph McCormick. Perfect way to piss people off and be rude.
Finally read down to a comment that fits your hoped for reason to be offended so you can vent your faux outrage.
i have three boys, and this is very relatable.
Sarcastic mommy has a sense of humor. The odd thing about the comments is the amount of people that visit a humor site and have no sense of it. Literal people are the dumbest people in the world, born of defective birth control.
Or maybe commenters who enjoyed the jokes decided to leave a sarcastic comment on the same spirit to show their appreciation.
How comes that people who joke openly about their children are so sensitive when it comes to their sense of humour?
well i think a lot of these hit the nail on the head. i only had one boy so the problems were .. .. somewhat different.
on the miserables: mebbe someday some cartoonist out there will do a series on commenters that live to complain. now that would be funny