Husband Compiles a Gallery of All The Fun Road Trips He Took With His Wife

Road trips with travel buddies have plenty of benefits. For example, you can chat with them or use them as slaves for opening bottles of water. When Redditor MrMagoo21 takes a trip with his wife, however, he’s having none of that. To illustrate his wife’s egoistic approach towards traveling, he has compiled a funny photo gallery of all their adventures, or lack thereof, en route.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

Seems like a fun road trip.

83 thoughts on “Husband Compiles a Gallery of All The Fun Road Trips He Took With His Wife”

  1. yeah I feel her pain. I get carcolepsy all the time. Wife says I am making it up and it does not really exist.. lol

  2. Hugh, I hope you win the lottery so you can buy a sense of humor… They are not cheap.

  3. I think each and every photo is a beautiful representation of her trust for you. Quit your bitching.

  4. All I can think of is “payback is a *****!” And believe me she’s coming for you…,😎

  5. Wish mine would snooze so I don’t have to hear negative Nancy editorials on things she know nothin of. Mine can’t read a map thank goodness for GPS. Yes Map Gps tell you how to get there it just doesn’t tell you where you are.

  6. I don’t know that I would bother taking her on another trip. Phone a friend so she can sleep while your are away! What a drag…

  7. He’s a sh*t driver if he’s using his phone like that while driving. I was almost killed by someone who was selfishly and stupidly using their phone while running a red light and plowing into me at 45mph. These photos are VERY upsetting to me. Not funny.


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