Man Decides To Go Around Prematurely Opened Florida Beaches Dressed As The Grim Reaper

Lawyer Daniel Uhfleder who gained national attention with his advocacy against privatizing Florida beaches is now working to keep those same beaches closed during the coronavirus pandemic – by wearing a Grim Reaper costume and warning beachgoers about the necessity of social distancing.

Many of you have asked if I am willing to travel around Florida wearing Grim Reaper attire to the beaches and other areas of the state opening up prematurely. The answer is absolutely yes. Beginning May 1 we will hit the road here in state. Please retweet and spread the word.

“I felt like something needed to be done, because they are moving very quickly to open beaches prematurely,” Daniel Uhlfelder, a Santa Rosa Beach-based lawyer, told NBC News. “Wearing a Grim Reaper costume seems like a good way to send a signal that this is too fast and that we need to think seriously before we take that step.”

And yes, we have ordered all the Grim Reaper attire. It arrives next week.

Meanwhile, The Swim Reaper who David Uhlfelder was almost certainly inspired by has had huge positive effects in New Zealand. The confrontational Swim Reaper campaign that was launched in December 2016 used dark humor to make people aware of the danger they’re in near the water. Featured below are the best photos from that campaign.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

The Swim Reaper.

14 thoughts on “Man Decides To Go Around Prematurely Opened Florida Beaches Dressed As The Grim Reaper”

  1. Let’s review: Congregating at beaches possibly helps spread virus. What to do? Go from beach to beach dressed as a fool, and possibly spread the virus. That’s got ‘Florida man’ written all over it. *smh

  2. Very good idea, to persons who believes, it’s useless, at least he is trying to do his part to encourage people to stop Congregating. Social distancing do save lives

  3. Let’s see. A lawyer not a doctor is telling us to keep the beaches closed. It use to be you quarantined sick people not healthy people. Just another KIA trying to get his name in the news.

  4. The country’s economy is starting to collapse, and many medical experts are saying it’s time to roll out a return to normal, but by all means, let’s listen to a doofus in a Death costume.

  5. Funny ….however VERY old photos and def not all taken in FlorDUH.
    Google: Beach Grim Reaper [images] … for more hilarious pics 😂 ~ yes I admit I’m a FL resident ~

  6. Nice but those pictures have been around for a long time, way before this virus.

  7. To all you dumbasses posting comments in april/may of 2020:
    You still feel smart?

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