Totally Real Pictures of Noah’s Ark: If It Happened Today

You are all probably familiar with the original story of Noah’s Ark – in the ultimate cosmic DIY project, God sent Noah a message: “Build a giant ark, grab two of every animal, and let’s turn this planet into a giant water park!” But what would happen if this story happened today with some regular guy who’s down on his luck? Scroll down to find out, this story has an unexpected twist!

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

Modern version of Noah's Ark story.

15 thoughts on “Totally Real Pictures of Noah’s Ark: If It Happened Today”

  1. Disappointed by the lack of animal diversity. Where is the platypus? The kookaburra? The loris? The red panda? The tuna? The cobra?

  2. I get this is supposed to be amusing but this is just ugly in spirit. Then again, it DOES reflect the twisted, selfish thinking of some people in our society. Just sad.

  3. ‚If Noah would live today, he would probably build an ark just so he can sell it for insurance‘
    There, you have the whole story without the bad quality extra theatrical pictures.

  4. I keep looking for the tardigrades in those images, and I am left sorely wanting.

    I think this is the origin story for prosperity gospel preachers.

  5. I don’t get the point. What if somebody built an ark and deliberately set it on fire in an arson scam for insurance money? Umm, okay. You could say that about anything. What if somebody invented a new kind of electric car and then deliberately blew it up to collect insurance money? What if somebody built a free clinic to give medical care to the poor and then deliberately burned it down to collect insurance money? So what? What’s your point? Are you trying to say something about Noah? About insurance scams?
    In the original account of Noah, there is no mention that Noah was down on his luck and needed money. Odds are he must have been fairly wealthy to be able to afford such a project.

  6. Did anyone actually zoom in on the animals? I don’t think we need to worry about AI taking over any time soon.

  7. For the sake of no bad dreams tnight I’m going to assume the Ark was actually emptied in this scenario b4 it was set ablaze…..

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