Perfectly Timed Pictures of Hilarious Failures

Some pictures turn out better than others. But the best ones are always those who were taken at the exact right moment when someone failed miserably, so we can now scroll trough the gallery, point our fingers and laugh at others’ misfortune.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Why do find it funny when someone else fails? Well, humans are inherently weird creatures, and one of our quirks is finding joy in the misfortunes of others. It’s like we have a built-in comedy radar that goes off when someone else screws up, and we can’t help but chuckle at their expense. Maybe it’s because seeing someone else fail makes us feel better about our own shortcomings. But really, who knows? Maybe it’s just that watching someone slip on a banana peel or face-plant into a pile of mud is simply too absurd and ridiculous not to laugh at. If you find somewhere a real explanation from a legit psychologist, let us know in the comments below!

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed pictures.

Perfectly timed picture.

Perfectly timed pictures.

Perfectly timed picture.

10 thoughts on “Perfectly Timed Pictures of Hilarious Failures”

  1. If we are lucky, we are born into a happy childhood, full of warmth and kindness and dreams, before life suddenly and inexorably punches you hard in your nether parts to begin a long sequence of pain and disappointment ending in death.

    So many of these pictures are a happy reminder of those blissful times. Others instead serve to recall the precise moment of that initiatory groin punch.

  2. I actually do not like to watch when people get hurt. I feel so sad for them. But the ones where they going to get soda spillde on them is funny. I think I laugh because it is something that can happens to us all and is quite embarrassing and you get somewhat realese from the shame when you see it could happen to other people too.

  3. I have to say that some of these look pretty painful, or worse.
    At the beginning I laughed, but somewhere around the woman flying away from her bicycle an uneasy feeling began crawling.

  4. In the last one, I wasn’t paying attention to the person tipping in the pool, I was paying attention to the sussy man with the tan, you know, the one that looks like Ken?

  5. My favorite is the rude awakening that young cub is about to incur on his pops “Yarn” Balls.

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