Did You Know That Farmers Are Protecting Cows From Frostbite With Adorable Earmuffs?

Remember the times your mother made you wear that hat your grandma knitted? Well, we’re not the only ones. Turns out, farmers are protecting their cattle from harsh weather with adorable clothing as well. And since young calves are the most susceptible to these dangers, they get the most attention.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

This is how farmers protect their cows from frostbite.

7 thoughts on “Did You Know That Farmers Are Protecting Cows From Frostbite With Adorable Earmuffs?”

  1. So sweet of the farmers to make those cute earmuffs! Let’s just not think about the adorable calves being future meat.

  2. Those look like veal crates. Animals are chained up, can’t move very far. I’ve had veal once. Completely tasteless without sauce of some sort. So basically, animal torture for nothing needful or essential. But hey, at least they have warm ears.

  3. The earmuffs are used, as calves in temperatures of zero and below makes frostbite a common ailment.

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