83 thoughts on “When Selfie Culture Generation Visits Holocaust Memorial…”

  1. These people need to watch a few WWII documentaries, and maybe they will start to understand to respect this memorial…

  2. I remember visiting the Concentration Camp of Dachau, and an America tourist snappping pics of the incinerators where the bodys of the persecuted Jews were burned, and her turning to the person she was with a said “oh how cute”. ?? Flabbergasted! Cute must have a different meaning to Americans compared to Australians surely????

  3. Disrespectful. That would be the equivalent of someone dancing on your graves. Oh, but we have to post these selfies so people cab see how ignorant we are. Hang your heads in shame. 🤬🤬🤬

  4. Perhaps if they’d constructed a recognisable memorial rather than something that looks inspired by a kids’ play-run, then visitors might treat it a little more respectfully. Though I’m sure many of the individuals photographing themselves here are also jewish and know full well what it’s supposed to commemorate. Perhaps they are the only people with any right to lark about on it any way they see fit.

  5. Guys! I saw this place and I would never guess that it was Holocaust Museum. Hardly anyone there who sees those bocks understand the symbolisms of those bocks. Berlin is full of Post-modernistic Monuments and museums that are beyond comprehension.

  6. None of these small-minded people were alive when this happened, and probably never met anyone who was a victim or survivor or even a family member. My best friend lost 120 of his relatives in the holocaust. He is 80 now, and that knowledge is slipping away. Perhaps people to day have no comprehension of what happened, and don’t want to have any. Too bad. Having this knowledge in many ways, makes us better persons.

  7. I will charitably assume that none of these people understood the meaning of the memorial, or what the huge blocks represent.

    In which case, ignorance is not the worst thing one can be guilty of. Still….

  8. Unbelievable ignorance…whether this memorial ‘looks’ like a memorial, I am certain there are many places where posts are there to say so…
    I am sure this kind of behavior would not be tolerated in Arlington Cemetery or Normandy France.
    This is a generation of selfishness, conceit. A generation of contempt for those who perished in the Holocaust…
    What are they teaching in the schools? What are they teaching in the home??? Just disgusting.

  9. Shameful conduct for something that deserves your reverence and respect. Where do each of you live, so that I can bitch slap all of you back to the stone age. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, and if your not, your not worth the effort.

  10. With self-obsessed morons like these, I don’t think there’s any hope for society.

  11. This is just sad.
    A bunch of ignorant airheads that haven’t needed anything in their entire life.

    They are historically retardants, and blind to the enormous level of suffering bounded to this monuments.

    How can it be so hard to imagine their own hurt if someone was dancing on their loved ones graves?

  12. This is a true display of stupidity. These women need to be punished. How completely ignorant they are is obvious. I bet they just barely passed the 2nd grade. It’s a good thing I didn’t see them do this.

  13. It’s actually quite easy to walk into this space without knowing what it is.

    It’s easy to sneer. But ask yourself how much you really know about this? Is your own feeling of ignorance provoking this?

  14. Over three generation from that era has happened and new generations just don’t have that relationship with it. Life goes on. But if you enforce such quilt to people who haven’t anything to do with it then you will get it again.

  15. Did they do it knowing the history, or really not knowing what had happened? Beyond my understanding.

  16. The place is pretty cool design! If it was because for the sacrifice of killing peple? worht it? yes! nice place to visit

  17. this is the perfect example that we as human will never evolve. was bad enough that humans. mass exterminated a race. all to see another generation of stupid people dancing on their memorial site. they are not stupid. they are humans. . no differing in DNA from from the nazis that did the killings..we are the same will stay and will not change….what did you think 70 years we evolved into warless, non murdering, non self focused. no. . still the same doing different stupid things

  18. interesting.

    as of today, there are 42 likes vs. 56 dislikes on comments that mainly call out how insensitive/disrespectful these selfies are toward this monument commemorating lives lost to nazis.

    guess i’ll have to like ’em all, even things up a bit

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