Instagram Account “Bros Being Basic” Shows Men Recreating Cliché Photos of Women

If you are an Instagram user, you have most likely seen many cliché photos with girls posing for bathroom selfies, doing yoga poses in random places or flipping their hair in the sea. This hilarious Instagram account shows men spoofing the such photos. It was founded by Atlanta-based blogger Ashley Hesseltine and a group of her male friends back in the 2014, and it’s still going strong with almost 1 million followers.

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

When guys make girl Instagram pics...

17 thoughts on “Instagram Account “Bros Being Basic” Shows Men Recreating Cliché Photos of Women”

  1. Next, I expect the feminists to attack this as ‘gender appropriation’, or some stupid ‘woke’ term or something…

  2. I’m a feminist. I wish men really would do these things for themselves. Men need time and sel-care, too.

  3. White, middle-class manly men like these really do indulge in this sort of thing, Debby. It’s called “joining a militia”.

  4. Actually, I agree with Debby. In a different context, men do need to do this. It might help reduce the rates of depression and suicide in men. I enjoy the humor of this (and it is pretty fricking funny), but…

  5. No really, guys should care for themselves more. I worry about my dude friends sometimes…

  6. yeah…. I’m all for the pamper me part, but I don’t feel the need to share my experience with anyone.

    Shut up and do your work. No one gives a damn what your life is like outside of work.

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