The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Erika Sjule

Erika Sjule is a cartoonist, humor writer, and graphic novelist from California who has no memory of ever not drawing. In her own words, “There is a chance that this relates to me being dropped a lot as a baby, but I like to tell myself otherwise.” Scroll down to see some of her best cartoons and also check out her book Looking Inward: A Guide To Introversion that you can get on her Etsy store!

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

Cartoon by Erika Sjule.

If you like Erika’s cartoons and wish to support her work, check out her book Looking Inward: A Guide To Introversion that you can get on her Etsy store! Please note that this site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Etsy affiliate we earn from qualifying purchases.

27 thoughts on “The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Erika Sjule”

  1. Imagine having practically zero artistic talent, but having absolutely no sense of humor.

  2. Different artistic styles by the same artist are imaginative and creative.

    These are all perfect for submission to the New Yorker.

    Subtle, quirky, relatable and funny.

    Well done, E. Sjule !

  3. It always bothers me when sun and moon are drawn together in a way they can never be seen in the sky.

  4. Clearly ‘steph’ and ‘fred’ should get together and enjoy their mutual snarkiness born from overflowing cretins.

  5. If only ‘Give me a break’ understood that being smug is just as bad as being snarky. What a mongoloid.

  6. Some people don’t understand intelligent humor I think they are hilarious and sent a few to my friends

  7. Terrific. Dont listen to negative comments. Understood each one and one just as humorous as the other. You’re Awesone. Thanks for making my day.🤪

  8. Not funny but poignant: the “I wish I had looked at my phone more.”

    The ketchup / soy sauce one made me giggle.

    And that’s my full analysis and review. 👍

  9. The New Yorker should have to publish these as punishment for getting rid of Borovitz. Also the comments snarking on the funny and honest comments.

  10. Maybe the problem is with the title. Why should everything be the funniest?And how can there be twice the funniest from the same artist?
    If you just write something like ‚enjoy the singlepans of…‘ than maybe it will take away the urge some people have to be so cynic and critical..

  11. I thoroughly enjoyed ALL of these comics. What are you all looking for, just cheap laughs? I thought these were great and accurate comments about life. Rock on, E Sjule!

  12. By far the funniest, most innovative comics I’ve enjoyed for a long time. Easy to understand why Millennials and Gen X don’t understand the humor because those generations are stupid, spoiled, and lack life experience.


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