Memory Card Game: Do You Look Like Your Cat?

Whiskers on kittens aren’t the only attribute felines share with humans. Gerrard Gethings’ animal portraits make the case. For the memory card game Do You Look Like Your Cat? he found 25 people and their furry lookalikes. Just place the cards face down and collect pawsome matching pairs. Featured below are some of the best matches from this funny memory game.

Do you look like your cat?

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

Owner and cat.

If you feel like you need this memory card game in your life, you can get it on Amazon for $15 or so.

3 thoughts on “Memory Card Game: Do You Look Like Your Cat?”

  1. My cat, Friendly Purr, will look just like me if I bleach my hair and wear all white.


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