“Tricks To Appear Smart In Meetings” 2022 Calendar Is Here!

From bestselling author and founder of popular satire blog TheCooperReview.com comes this all-new daily calendar with a year’s worth of tips for succeeding fabulously at work with minimal effort. Scroll down to see some of the examples from previous years and don’t forget to order the calendar on Amazon!

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

How to appear smart in meetings.

If you found these tips and tricks helpful, you can get this calendar on Amazon.

10 thoughts on ““Tricks To Appear Smart In Meetings” 2022 Calendar Is Here!”

  1. We have an editor who somehow manager to brown-nose her way into a Director position. She is clearly over her head. She waits until something is just about to go out the door, and then throws in, “Is this ADA-compliant?”

    Every. Single. Time.

  2. – Wear glasses to look smart. Only stupid people don’t wear glasses.
    – Demand a survey be sent to any people involved in a project to determine if they agree. Every customer loves to take a survey.
    – Ask everyone what they expect in this meeting.
    – Carry a briefcase into the meeting with your stuff. Smart people carry briefcases.

  3. Make a nonsense analogy and question the topics strategy in one breathe ‘looks like we’re trying to change the direction of the mushroom growth, is that really the most effective strategy?’ This will make people think they’ve somehow missed a new buzzword or catch phrase, spin out analyzing what it means and leave you to pick up the pieces for the win. Alternatively, just be smarter but where’s the fun in that

  4. You know what really works in these meetings? Being the IT guy. You can zone out of everything, ignore it all (or nod at everything, your choice) tell the drones what they want to hear, and then do what you want, they’ll never know, or understand anyway.

  5. As an electronic systems engineer, I can relate to this completely! You left out the part about sales managers completely making shit up in front of customers and then asking you (or telling) you to violate the laws of physics to satisfy their bullshit promises!

  6. Let’s take a deeper dive on the subject. Until we drown.
    But really, making acronyms is out of hand. But they have to be pronounceable to be an acronym. how can you pronounce PRD? Purd?

  7. Roy said, “how can you pronounce PRD? Purd?”

    Yes – Product Uniformity Requirements Document

  8. “We need a PRD”…. snickering. Prd means a fart in Czech. And yes it’s juvenile, but no one said all humor needs to be high brow. 😸

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