Dogs Wearing Bread Masks: Inbread Dogs

What to do when your boredom reaches peak levels? Some people count the grains of sand on the beach, organize their sock drawers by color, or even perfect the art of staring into empty space. If you’re wondering what dog owners do when they are bored, wonder no more. They have found out a way to create inbread dogs by making masks for their dogs out of bread. Scroll down to see the funniest examples!

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dogs.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dogs.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

Inbread dog.

6 thoughts on “Dogs Wearing Bread Masks: Inbread Dogs”

  1. I would not believe that there were that many dogs out there that would not quickly devour the ‘mask’ before the pic could be taken!


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