Dad Photoshops Daughter Into Slightly Dangerous Situations To Freak Out Relatives

Stephen Crowley has figured out the perfect way to give relatives a heart attack: “I’ve been photoshopping my kid into marginally dangerous situations. Nothing unbelievable, but enough to make people think: wait, did he just…?” Now we just have to wait until the kid is old enough to photoshop him into marginally negligent nursing home facilities.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

133 thoughts on “Dad Photoshops Daughter Into Slightly Dangerous Situations To Freak Out Relatives”

  1. Sharon Carter is actually KAREN Carter and has no sense of humor. Every comment has a thumbs down, now we know who did it. stFu Karen.

  2. Very amusing. For all the nervous negative Nellies, you need to lighten up! You will live longer.

  3. Are you people crazy! This is not funny or cute, this is sick and disturbing! A real father could not even fake this kind of sick shit!

  4. Those were great i needed a good laugh i could see my grandson doing all those except the stove one loved it

  5. I’m usually a nervous Nellie- and would cringe if I thought these were real, but I laughed heartily with each one!!

  6. Come on, there’s on the stories it’s only Photoshop. Great sense of humour. Some children do in the real life these things. This man a great father because can see the real danger and ‘course he never put her little one to any.

  7. I’m sorry but you should have your children removed from you careless father and I blame the mother for leaving the kids with you social services should get involved

  8. These negative comments are just so stupid it’s photoshop he obviously has a sense of humor unlike some of you.

  9. I notice he didn’t take a pic of the kid drinking out of the garden hose like the brave kids of the 70’s.

  10. It is sad to see people getting onto the guy as if he actually put his daughter into this situation. Nobody is bothering to even read the headline. He clearly states that these photos were photoshopped. It is mind boggling how many comments either state that it must be photoshopped or want to ridicule the guy for being negligent.

  11. I am unable to comprehend the stupidity of some people – these are hilarious and as the father stated completely photoshopped. These do gooders are the reason our society is the way it is – some people should NEVER be allowed to breathe – its called HUMOUR people

  12. I loved the one about the dad who did CGI for movies, used his talents to create awesome home movies of his son jumping lava, or going off on a rope attached to a helicopter. Brilliant stuff!

  13. Came for the photos but stayed to read the comments from some of the dumbest people on the planet…

  14. Thanks for the laugh. These all cracked me up, LOL! Especially loved the kitchen stove scene.

  15. Sharon Carter: I would never date, much less procreate with someone as illiterate or uptight as you seem to be. And, no, you wouldn’t do any of those violent things to me. You might try…


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