18 thoughts on “The Weird World of Competitive Dog Grooming”

  1. These dogs love their owners and do not care about aesthetics. They just want owners to be careful with the claw trimming.

  2. The camel, the horse and the lion are ok-ish I guess-ish. The rest is between animal abuse and abusing my eyes. But definitely some sort of grape, if you forget the g, of course…

  3. All I know is a dog can feel humiliated. They know when people are laughing at them or if they are shocked. I can’t see a loving owner doing this.

  4. Honestly, as long as their owners keep ’em on a leash and pick up their poop I couldn’t care less how they look.

  5. To make matters worse, I think a lot of those pictures, if not all, are the same dog.

  6. OMG- I sincerely hope that these are photo-shopped. No one has
    the right to disrespect these loving creatures so shamelessly.

  7. If the people who did this are reading, please can we see what you can achieve with an XL Bully?

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