Local Stores Out Of Toilet Paper? Get Trump Toilet Paper On Amazon!

With Amazon’s ultra-fast delivery times, you don’t have to wipe yourself with a sock anymore just because the local stores are out of Coronovairus paper. There are many variations of this product available on Amazon, so you can join these fine people featured below for just few dollars.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

Donald Trump toilet paper vs. Coronavirus.

27 thoughts on “Local Stores Out Of Toilet Paper? Get Trump Toilet Paper On Amazon!”

  1. Were President Trump actually a Fascist dictator, your website would be closed and you in prison or worse.


  2. @Anonymous: that’s a silly comment, even fascist dictators take some time to gather their power. But regardless of whether he is or isn’t, what’s interesting is that you dialled it up to 100, in the very first posted comment.

  3. Anonymous: give the poor man some time. Anyway: at last we can rejoice, for trump is indeed the saviour, as nothing is more needed, or more sacred, than toilet paper.

  4. Famous Monsters in History: Frankenstein, Wolfman, Creature from Black Lagoon, Godzilla, Trump.

  5. Aw little progessive liberal trash still mad about 2016, meanwhile the progressive liberal trash looks to usurp more power daily ,. Eric holder ?

  6. @ 2nd Anonymous: I haven’t read any liberal comments in this post so far. Nice knee-jerk reaction, kudos! Remember that it is possible to be conservative and still have some values. In fact, that’s what being conservative used to mean. Oh, the irony!

  7. Trump supporters: are you really this dumb? There is an interesting congregation of people taking control of power in this Great New World of ours: flathearthers, anti-vaxes, trumpists, bolsonarists, lepenists (love this term :) ), climate denialists, brexiteers and so on. All in the same bunch. Even ye’ ole right-wing of moral and virtues is missed. Heck, even the neo-cons are missed!! Give me anything, please. Anything but this. The last time the world was owned by such a horde of mediocrity we had two world wars, a holocaust, a big recession, a wall and a nasty influenza that, combined with wars and genocide, ended the life of more than 120M people in less than 40 years.

  8. For sure, sadanduseless.com isn’t a perfect place to share my equestrian hobby, but I have to start somewhere, so I thought that this category will be ok.

  9. Do you have any Hillary clinton, Chelsea clinton, miley cyrus, justin beaver, and the feminist lady nicknamed “red” toilet paper? I will be a life long customer. Also maybe a a bill Clinton trophy for player of the century.

  10. I especially like the Trump toilet paper with him doing the pucker, nice to wipe your ass on. = )

  11. In all honesty I hate Trump, but it would freak me out a bit to put his face on my ass. As much as he’d deserve it.

    Now… the Trump toilet brush, now that’s genius!

  12. the low inteligence bottom feeder cretins who think this disrespect is funny are unfortunetly the result of liberal upbringing and are probably irredeemable.

  13. Trump…Our complete idiot for a president and his simple minded followers…truly the dry end of the gene pool. Pathatic on every…

  14. To put an image of “The Orange Hairball of Destruction” on toilet paper is an insult to toilet paper!

  15. I wonder if any of these companies is the one that produces the toilet paper with the Constitution of the United States printed on it that our Congress and Senate use.

  16. Please note *** The more that you do that, the more he will get re-elected. I predict
    and landmark victory ! You see the silent majority is Fed up with all this. And we count
    more than you.

  17. wouldn’t let that anywhere near me. ‘specially not there. might use it for walking the dog tho

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