15 thoughts on “Delivering Bad News With Baby Animals”

  1. someone saw me scroll through this and thought I was looking at cute animal pictures… Well, how do I explain this?

  2. “Anonymous March 7, 2019
    someone saw me scroll through this and thought I was looking at cute animal pictures… Well, how do I explain this?”
    Show them picture number eight.

  3. This does not produce an internalized conflict in me since I have that psychological disorder that makes me want to squish cute baby animals and lightly maw their heads.

  4. Please, stop the stigmatization of adoption. Putting it as the first of these “bad news” is in awful taste.

    I usually have a good tolerance about this kind of humor, but jokes about adoption are hurtful to many loving families. It can be as insensitive as other types of discrimination. Imagine if a joke was “here’s some bad news: you’re black” or “you’re female”. Most of modern society would frown on that, but for some reason we’re not enlightened enough to understand biological parenthood and adoption are both equally valid.

    Just a well-intentioned reminder. Keep bringing good humour 🙂

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