Women On Instagram Are Choosing Not To Shave For Januhairy

Similar to the social movement Movember, which encourages men to grow mustaches in November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide, Januhairy is an annual event targeted to women. Launched by Laura Jackson back in 2018 and started as an experiment for women to be sponsored to grow out their body hair for a month, Januhairy aims to promote body positivity and acceptance of body hair on women. The feedback controversial… What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

Januhairy: no shave January.

27 thoughts on “Women On Instagram Are Choosing Not To Shave For Januhairy”

  1. This is really ridiculous, makes me feeling ashamed to be a woman… Women who thinks freedom is about not shaving???

  2. Shaving underarms and legs is a pain in the a$$. Doesn’t feel great on one’s skin either. I say good for them!! Love to see this extended to the whole year instead of just one month.

  3. Ok, if a man has a unkempt beard, he is described as scruffy….
    If a guy has more weight and you can see his man-boobs through the t-shirt, he is called fat and disgusting.
    But when women decide not to shave and presents chest hair like a guy from a Turkish sauna or a beard that looks like the headhair of an uncared “hairless” mexican dog, it’s called brave and body positive???

    Being fat or scruffy is not body positive…. It’s the exact opposite… It means you don’t care about your body….. There is a space between torturing your body for unrealistic ideals and just not caring about your looks at all…. It’s called healthy

  4. I was a Lifeguard at a Community Pool back in the late 60’s. One of the girl Lifeguards decided she was not going to shave her “hairs”! After about two weeks it was really kind of gross and even the OTHER GIRLS complained to our Manager! She finally did shave, but not because she was told to! One day she removed her sweat(y) shirt to reveal not a BATHING SUIT TOP, but HER BRA!! Oh my goodness!! Back then that was PUBLIC NUDITY!!! She was so embarrassed that she dove under the counter to hide!! We told her it was no big deal. She then went back to shaving! I know hair is “natural” and women already have a LOT to take care of, but I just don’t see many men OR WOMEN wanting to get too close to a HAIRY WOMAN!

  5. yeah, I know so many young women who have done this.

    They soon realise that a vast majority of men don’t find it attractive. So it generally doesn’t last that long!

    Just aa silly faze

  6. I tried not shaving my pits in the early 70’s as an experiment in being more “natural.” I was malodorous even to myself and ruined a lot of clothes. Some of us don’t have the right body chemistry.

  7. I wish the Women On Instagram were choosing not to take and publish pictures of stupid shite no one cares about. Have some dignity.

  8. It‘s amazing how many comments this item has triggered.
    It’s just hair. What’s the big deal?
    I haven’t shaved since I can remember myself and nobody seems to care.
    I remember my ex convinced me once to cut my hair down there. I felt so naked and vulnerable. It made it clear to me that I could never ask a woman to do such a thing.

  9. Back in the olden days of “intolerance,” people would just *be*. Now, the oddballs demand you celebrate their poor hygiene or freakish sexual choices as “brave.” “Live and let live” also means leave me the hell alone and stop shoving your crap in my face.

  10. To those people complaining: Chill out, nobody forced you to look at the pictures. It’s fascinating how hair can trigger such strong reactions (just because it’s women’s legs and not men’s). You don’t have to like it, but you don’t need to make people feel bad about their bodies either.

  11. Some furries in the wild… who cares about it? As long as there aren’t any foul odors emminating so what! Cuddle up she’ll keep you warm during the winter months! If you don’t like it leave it alone! Nobody is forcing you to accept it.

  12. If girl prefers to look like male owner of Turkish bazaar or present herself like monkey on Instagram, only thing you can do is walk past and don’t give attention. Otherwise, other monkey might downvote you

  13. Men who are only attracted to hairless girls should be hanging with Jeffrey Epstein.

    Gosh, that really did not come out the way it was supposed to…

  14. Alex, I guess some people just a real hair trigger reaction to the pics.
    yup, said it.
    not takin it back.

  15. Just shows you how conditioned we are to women having to shave. A hundred years ago most women wouldn’t have and now it’s even spreading to men. We want everyone to be hairless for some reason..

  16. Until the 20th century, only prostitutes used to shave their underarms and legs. So, I guess this is a way of society saying women should be prostitutes… and men likely view them as such. Also, so much for “natural beauty.”

  17. The only time I shave my legs is when it gets a little uncomfortable, and my legs get really dry. Women who aren’t bothered by their body hair and are comfortable going out in their own skin, then that’s really good for them!! If someone is happy doing something harmless, let them be.

  18. I wonder if the people claiming these women are “unhygienic” or “unhealthy” for not shaving are consistent with their view and insist that men should shave all over their bodies as well.

  19. it seems that most of the trends in western beauty attempt to make women seem *very* young. not sure what to make of it.

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