1. When you spend so long looking for something to watch on Netflix, that your dinner gets cold.
2. When you have too many chips for your dip… but if you open another dip, you will have too much dip for your chips.
3. When you have to go all the way upstairs to get your laptop charger.
4. That moment when you have to wait 4.5 seconds deciding whether or not to hold the door for someone because they are at awkward distance.
5. When you crack your iPad screen because you dropped your iPhone on it.
6. One click on your mechanical pencil isn’t enough, and two clicks is too much.
7. When the tag on your shirt is itchy but you don’t want to cut it because it’s a chore.
8. When you want to adjust the temperature but your thermostat is busy downloading an update.
9. When no one is in the elevator with you so you have no one to impress when you press the button to your suite.
10. When you pay your maid a decent wage, which she uses to get educated and find a better job.