54 thoughts on “Modern Journalism Summed Up”

  1. More like a blue haired campus journalist who just left “their” liberal dance arts class.

  2. “Republican media strategist Roger Ailes launched Fox News Channel in 1996, ostensibly as a “fair and balanced” counterpoint to what he regarded as the liberal establishment media. But according to a remarkable document buried deep within the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, the intellectual forerunner for Fox News was a nakedly partisan 1970 plot by Ailes and other Nixon aides to circumvent the “prejudices of network news” and deliver “pro-administration” stories to heartland television viewers.“

    — Business Insider

  3. B.H.O. coming from a person that would use such initials, figures you’d say an idiotic comment like that. Go to the MSDNC Mad Area 51 Rachel Maddow-Conspiracy Theory Channel and have a great time while she’s on.

  4. Vegans are all fairies in their own delusional minds…they float in a land of “make-believe” where everything is pure and white and sparkles with glitter and all the meat is down in hell with us so-called “normal carnivores. LOL. Well, I tell you, I enjoy my meat down here, I don’t want to float with the fairies…let the libturds eat their vegan crap, that is why they are the first ones to get sick, that is why they all look pale and like ghosts, that is why they are all a size zero and look like concentration camp victims, no thanks. One needs protein that peanuts and other protien veggies and or other substances cannot give you like meat does. Sorry, we need meat. One can come on here and argue with me until they are blue in the face, I will not budge. It is proven that vegans are more often missing essential vitamins and minerals and protiens that NORMAL carnivores are not.

  5. The people who attack networks like Fox, obviously have never seen it. They are just mindless idiots who believe what Hollywood actor fruitcakes or liberal athletes tell them to believe.

  6. Bwahahahaha! The comments about Fox news on here demonstrate the effectiveness of this propaganda technique.

  7. Wow, such vitriol… you Americans are soooooo F###ED!!!! I’ll pop back in around 2520 and see how it all worked out.

  8. “Republican media strategist Roger Ailes launched Fox News Channel in 1996, ostensibly as a “fair and balanced” counterpoint to what he regarded as the liberal establishment media. But according to a remarkable document buried deep within the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, the intellectual forerunner for Fox News was a nakedly partisan 1970 plot by Ailes and other Nixon aides to circumvent the “prejudices of network news” and deliver “pro-administration” stories to heartland television viewers.“
    — Business Insider

  9. Vegans are just one of the social constructions like gender, theory of relativity etc .

  10. So let me get this straight, the one anonymous guy states “Corporate media is in the tank for progressives”. It begs the question, Wouldn’t corporate interests best be served by non progressive messaging? It isn’t progressives or “libtards” that would be offering corporations tax relief or deregulation. I mean que bono? I think it’s a safe assumption that those who have their money work for them through capital gains on investment would want the media they own to influence the rest of us who actually work for our money to vote in step with their interests, no? The media is a business and they compete with their counterparts in a market so they play to various audiences. Political pundits are paid to “contribute” or make a case by whichever corporation they are contracted to work for just like any salesman so expecting them to bite the hand that feeds them seems unlikely. Their primary function is to garner higher ratings not to provide you with information or critical analysis. Money is power so that favors the right naturally to believe otherwise is absurd.

  11. Oh yeah!!??!
    If Bloomberg has 500 Million dollars that means he could give every american Citizen 1 Million dollars and still have lunch money left.
    Welcome To retarded Leftist math with MSNBC. lol

  12. But what about the vegans doing really important work like separating hens from roosters to prevent sexual abuse in poultry houses??😂😂😂😂😂😂

  13. Haha, everyone needs to chill and stop judging one another’s choice of lifestyle. And if you dont want politically biased news, just go directly to the wire services like Reuters or AP.

  14. I disagree. It should be Modern REPORTERS Summed Up.
    Reporters just write down anything to get an article, opinions, fake information, etc…
    Journalists will research and write facts.

  15. If Bloomberg has 500 Million dollars that means he could give every American Citizen: $1.3 more or less. Not a million. WTF.

  16. The Left wants to silence Fox News because it’s the only news that doesn’t toe the left-wing line. CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post and the major networks all sell nothing but leftist lies, and the “tolerant” liberals want to eliminate anyone who doesn’t peddle leftist lies.

  17. A poster on here is taking Fox News to task for being NOT completely immersed in Progressive Culture as the rest of The Media (D) actually is. Well, how horrible! ONE news outlet NOT parroting everything from DNC talking points memos. How awful anyone get anything other than the Party’s Daily Propaganda. If anyone wants to know just where the vast majority of “news” organizations are on the political spectrum, one only need to see the sensationalized stories about Covid19. Fearmongering and panic reporting only empower the American Left

  18. Don’t be fooled. Journalism has always been like this….with a handful of wonderful exceptions.

  19. “They edited the video to make it misleading!” Said the POT to the KETTLE

  20. True journalism is nothing more than reporting on the who, what, when, where, why, and how. It is written in the inverted pyramid style of writing, with the most important information at the beginning of the article, with other information included in declining importance.
    Socialist, or propaganda, media began to proliferate with the emerging activism of the late 1960s, with followers of Marx and Lenin, and Alinsky, attempting to push their statist utopia agenda.
    A dangerous component, that spelled the doom of true journalism, was the emergence of corporate journalism, popularized by a California television station KGO-TV,,,where sadly, their call letters morbidly were referred to as Kickers, Guts, and Orgasms…and the discovery that, that sensationalism generated ad dollars.
    No, true journalism died a long time ago. Now days, it is nothing more than a western culture version of the old Soviet news agency TASS, dishing out disinformation designed to tell people what and how to think, knowing that they have complete control of their brains.
    A case in point is the absolute anger by viewers of liberal television towards the President, because he is not feeding into their desire to be swept into abject panic over the coronavirus, rather, taking an even keeled stance, preferring to lead with a steady and calm leadership. Why? Because the liberal television outlets are saying so.

  21. No dumdum Bloomberg could give 500 Americans 1 million dollars not 327 million Americans a million dollars.

  22. Noticed a couple of retards trying to do the math on Bloomberg giving every American a million dollars. The original post says he could give every American a million dollars and still have money left over. You guys are idiots.

  23. IMHO before we lend credence to any so-called “news” article, we need to know who owns the source. Both the conservative and liberal media are little more than hucksters selling their message. Facts no longer apply.

  24. Yep. Remember all the batsh*t crazy claims CNN and MSNBC had about proof of “Russia collusion” 😂😂😂

  25. I really enjoyed my salad last night. I had a side of reef and beef- a tuna steak and a filet mignon. I don’t know any vegans but my kids went to school with one. They had a blood drive at school and she gave blood. They drew a half a pint. When I saw this girl taking ten steps and having a sit down I asked my daughter if she was okay. She said “ yes she’s fine. She’s just a vegan. She insisted on giving some blood so they only took a half pint. Now she can barely walk but she’ll be okay “.
    The MSM tells us what They want us to hear or believe. It’s like the lawyer who asks a defendant “have you stopped beating your wife yet” ? Yes or no? You’re screwed either way you answer. They frame stories to suit their agenda or just don’t report good news about people or institutions they don’t like.

  26. Rooty tooty booty looty funny wunny big fat bunny blahbidyblah blahbidyblah. Geeeez…How the hell has mankind become such puffed up dust?…God help us all…

  27. Fundamental journalism has rules. The rules are there to make the journalist dispassionate about the direction of a story, but very passionate about its accuracy.

    If those principles aren’t in play, then it’s not “journalism”. It’s Op-Ed.

  28. its not journalism…its op-ed..i agree…what we need to worry about are google and fb and yt but google mainly they are changing history so that you cant fact check yourself ..these fact checkers are liars and bised as the msm and because they have fact-check by their name you are supposed to belive it….and fb and yt censoring and banning with anyone who doesnt agree with their liberal views..now snopes and others are going after christian news sites to destroy them because they have a link to conservative christians or the gop or whatever..they are banning conservative news outlets on yt because cnn and msnbc dont want the competition..cn and msnbc and other msm outlets employ people to scour the internet to find news that dont fit to their liking and they bombard yt with complaints to get them kicked off yt..get rid of the competition..then you have stepanopolous on abc ..the most unbiased reporter on tv…lol..his head is so far up the clintons ass he aint seen sunlight in 28 years…pimp for bill now pio for hillary..i cant believe he has a job at abc..he killed the epstein story to the clintons took care of business…thank you all for listening..but mainly if yo censor one person you might as well censor all. peope on the internet that say things on the internet that i dont like doesnt matter..i dont see it or hear it because no one forces you to watch anything..how can you censor anyone? goodbye 2nd amendment

  29. Passive Canadian voter
    Good point. Comb your hair tight and noone will notice. Anyway, your reasoning suggests that any Russian election interfering would be in favor of a proven traitor that gave them access to our uranium. Instead of the guy most likely to enrich it before it is delivered. Go back to reading your manifesto a d keep your tongue out of American politics.

  30. Im not a liberal and i like meat but Fox, CNN, and the likes do suck cause they misconstrue what people say.

  31. one question to all vegan critics. is an ELEPHANT more powerful or a TIGER? their answer will settle the issue

  32. It is interesting to see all the comments about politically correct liberals being the bane of our existence. How they feel the liberal left, the main stream media and political correctness are the reason society is in the state it is. They refuse to acknowledge that it is just society becoming more aware of, and trying to end, some the points of conflict in our society.

    The graphic does illustrate a problem with our media, although in my opinion, it is more prevalent with right biased media outlets like Fox, Breitbart and OAN. Media outlets are forcing political opinion on us as fact. In forming that opinion they are ignoring facts that don’t fit that narrative. In some cases they are making up stories and passing them off as real and factual, Breitbart and the Toronto Sun come to mind.

    We need to go back to the days, pre 24 hour “news” channels, when news was only fact and opinion was left to the Sunday political opinion shows and the editorial sections of newspapers. The days when we were presented the facts and we formed our own opinion. The Tucker Carlsons, Sean Hannitys and Rachel Maddows of this world need to tone it down.

  33. Wow, miss the point much? This satirical post was not about veganism or really one side or the other. It is about the sad state of journalism in America today. On both sides. We have all seen the examples of the “journalist” taking a snippet of information and twisting it to fit the point that they want to prove. That is why, when I see a sensational explosion about something someone said – I go back to the original transcript, the whole interview, and see what context something was said. Journalists today, take a few words that someone says and editorialize what they think it really meant. Then spread that as the facts.

  34. I’ve given up on most media and just watch or listen to C-SPAN… Straight from the horse’s mouth. It’s absolutely insane how twisted every news source is… To watch a press conference or debate on an issue live (or recorded) and then to read the headlines that come out over the next hour… Makes you wonder what they’re smoking/drinking to come up with the news they write. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  35. I like delicious. I don’t care about its origin. animal, vegetable, water, etc. Everything I eat is organic. Mostly because rocks are hard on your teeth and very hard to digest and trace minerals leave me hungry. And frankly when Soylent Green comes….so be it.

  36. B.H.O. If you think it’s only Fox that’s how retarded and brand washed you are. It’s in your face everyday and you swallow.

  37. Why all the long comments about politics? This page is about making fun of all journalists. Not just “libtard” and conservative journalists.

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