Things That Totally Look Like Butts, But Definitely Are Not Butts

We spent countless hours and compiled the greatest collection of things that look like butts, but are not actually butts. We believe this is the greatest mankind’s achievement since the Moon landings. Scroll down and enjoy!

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like butts.

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

Looks like a butt, doesn't it?

49 thoughts on “Things That Totally Look Like Butts, But Definitely Are Not Butts”

  1. Why did Mike scroll all the way through masses of false butt pictures and then moan about it? Cheer up, Mikey. I laughed and I’m 70.

  2. haha this is funny. I am 78 and I send this to my son and he laughed and laughed. thanks,

  3. I was looking at the carrot wondering how that was a butt, then I looked at the radish/beetroot/whateva

  4. hhhmmmmm…………..
    that tree’s really showin its but off goin on the street and everytnin o_o

  5. The thing that looks like a butt (idk wtf that thing is) above the mushroom makes me uneasy 😅😅

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