Crocs Meme: Why Are There Holes In Crocs?

Ah, the infamous Crocs holes – life’s way of reminding you that comfort comes at a cost: your dignity. Those mysterious perforations aren’t just for ventilation or draining out pool water; they’re escape routes for your self-respect… if you have any in the first place.

Crocs Spurs: Perfect For The Stylish Urban Cowboy

Have you ever looked down at your feet, clad in the world’s most controversial footwear, and thought, “These Crocs are awesome, but they lack the untamed spirit of a cowboy at high noon”? Well, hold onto your ten-gallon hats, because Crocs spurs are here to answer the call of the wild – and possibly confuse … Read more

Dog Crocs: There Actually Exist Crocs For Dogs!

Crocs are rubbery abominations that somehow made it into the world of footwear. I mean, who looked at a shoe and said, “You know what this needs? More holes and a shape that defies all logic!” Perhaps most upsetting of all when it comes to Crocs, however, is that they offer these delightful shoes only … Read more

You Can Now Get Mini-Crocs For Your Crocs!

There was a man somewhere who had the world’s smallest feet, but loved the ugly Crocs design so much, that he opened a factory to produce Mini-Crocs. Others found his idea amusing and started to put Mini-Crocs on Crocs, so they could wear Crocs while wearing Crocs. That’s probably the origin story of Mini-Crocs.

So Crocs Snow Plows Are Getting Popular…

The world of Crocs is truly a remarkable thing. There’s nothing quite as polarizing as Crocs! On one side, there’s people that dispise them and wouldn’t be caught dead near a pair of Crocs, and on the other side, you have people so in love with their Crocs that they’re decorating them with spurs, spoilers, … Read more

Crocticles: Balls For Your Crocs!

Some of you might remember Crocs spurs we featured some time ago. This time even dumber product has caught our attention – testicles for your Crocs! That’s right, you can actually purchase attachable balls for your comfy Crocs and walk around like a total moron. Several different color options and shapes are available on both … Read more

Crocs Briefs, The Most Cursed Underwear To Ever Exist

Matt Benedetto is a product designer from Burlington, Vermont that is on a quest to create the ugliest abominations of fashion industry, but this time he has taken things too far – he has come up with Crocs Briefs that look like he got stuck in a toddlers swing and just cut the chains off.